The upgrading of the systems that make up the operation of urban and extra-urban areas leads to a general rethinking of traditional tools and/or measures for planning and spatial planning; through the formulation of models for revitalizing urban attractiveness systems (cultural, tourist-receptive, trade-craft-services, production excellence) and the heritage of goods related to the landscape artistic-monumental and to the valuable historical fabric.

The cultural and sustainable tourism, to which Mirabilia is inspired by the UNESCO sites present in the 21 associated Chambers of Commerce, allows you to get to know the fascinating culture of an Italy to be discovered by entering into deep connection with the territories and their people. Through a slow journey can emerge that dimension that feeds on tradition and innovation, workshops and shops, universities and companies, historical elements, art, architecture, museums and tables, to create an immersive and transformative experience.

This articulation, to be adequately attractive, implies the integration and coordination of policies, plans, programmes, strategies and actions that can affect the functioning of areas which are often considered separately, the result of that sectoral and specialized logic that unfortunately characterizes most central and regional administrations in the country, but all this is not enough, In fact, new design approaches are needed that by addressing the cultural tourism sectors can be able to put “into system” that articulated dimension that makes the valuable Italian territorial heritage.

What is the Mirabilia Network? It is a non-profit association formed by Unioncamere Nazionale and 21 Italian Chambers of Commerce to connect and enhance areas of significant historical, cultural and environmental importance, as well as characterized by the presence of UNESCO – World Heritage sites.
A partnership, born to create an interaction between institutional and economic actors and between governance models at the basis of territorial development policies, which can be joined by the Chambers of Commerce and all the structures of the chamber system.
National associations of enterprises, entities, companies, public and private bodies representing the tourism sectors and districts and related sectors interested in their promotion and development may also join.