In 2021, the Municipality of Udine has presented, under the PINqUA ministerial programme, the project for the redevelopment and urban regeneration of the district of San Domenico, financed by ministerial and municipal funds. The survey conducted with ATER on the suburbs allowed to identify in this neighborhood, north-west of the city and characterized by obsolete economic social housing, an opportunity for reducing housing discomfort. The project has seen a phase of sharing with the citizens involved, which led to several meetings and the creation of information desks. In 2022, the project was admitted to PNRR funding and has been remodelled into lots, identifying in lot 1 the first phase of construction by the Municipality. The executive project, approved in 2023, sees the energy efficiency of plants using renewable energies.   At the same time, a memorandum of understanding was signed with ATER for the construction of Lot 2.