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Urbanpromo is the cultural event of reference about the wide theme of urban regeneration, intended as a process of strategies, policies, actions, finalized to the realization of a sustainable urban development.
Urbanpromo is the best stage for:

  • know and make known projects and experiences of innovative content;
  • understand the peculiarities of the new approaches to urban planning, real estate and social issues in urban areas;
  • create the basis for investment projects in public-private partnership;
  • establish relationships with representatives of public administrations, private companies, universities and research institutes, professional studies;
  • Urbanpromo offers the possibility of an advanced update to administrators, economic operators, professionals, researchers about the most important issues of the Italian and International panorama.

Through an intense program of online and face-to-face conferences, an exhibition of projects and national publications, Urbanpromo deals in a transversal way with the key points of urban regeneration: the activation of investments through public-private partnerships, efficiency energy, sustainable mobility, the enhancement of real estate assets, social housing, private financing of public works, real estate taxation, the perspectives of the real estate market.

Urbanpromo is structured into four themes, “Urbanpromo Città,” “Urbanpromo Social Housing,” “Urbanpromo Green,” and “Urbanpromo Digital.”

The “Urbanpromo Progetti per il Paese” program from 2019 incorporates “Urbanpromo Social Housing” and from 2021, under the “Urbanpromo Digital” brand, enhances project experiences that witness the ongoing digital transition. The construction of the cultural program is carried out through two lines of work. On one side, a technical-scientific committee formed by representatives of INU / Urbit, Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT and CDP Investimenti, defines the initiatives of common interest including “Urbanpromo Social Housing”. For the other, a similar body, entirely made up of INU members, detects and develops further topical issues, making use of the research and monitoring activity conducted by the Institute at national level.
The “Urbanpromo Green” program is set up by a mixed working group of the INU and the Iuav University of Venice.




Urbanpromo is promoted by INU – Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica (National Institute of Urbanism), a public body by right, characterized by a high cultural level and of technical coordination, and it is organised by Urbit – Urbanistica Italiana srl (Italian Urbanism srl), instrumental society for INU for the performance of cultural events and activity of consultancy. URBIT is a no-profit organisation, which eventual profits will be used to sustain the cultural activities of INU.
The President and the Director of URBIT, the Board of Directors, the Technical Committee and the regional representatives give their availability for free, only with a refund for documented expenses concerning the work, defined by economic criteria.
The specialized event “Urbanpromo Social Housing” is curated by a specific Promoting Committee and a specific Technical Scientific Committee.


Board of Directors:

Stefano Stanghellini, stanghellini@urbit.it

Michele Talia, Andrea Arcidiacono, Vittorio Salmoni, Iginio Rossi, Carolina Giaimo

Gianni Biagi, biagi@urbit.it



Organizational secretary:
Cesare Baldazzi, tesoreria@urbit.it
Marta de Leo, organizzazione@urbit.it
Noemi Julián, comunicazione@urbit.it
Martina Pestarino, urbanpromo@urbit.it
Francesca Tartaglia, convegni@urbit.it

Graphic designer:
Marta Viviani, grafica@urbit.it

Project and technical coordination:
David Casagrande (Marcadent), eventmanager@urbit.it

Visual designer:
Maira Passuello, info@mairapassuello.com

Press office:
Andrea Scarchilli, ufficiostampa@inu.it
Valentina Cosmi, relazioniesterne@urbit.it



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