Anci and Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia subscribed, on the 23rd of April 2015, a Memorandum of Understanding (Protocollo di Intesa) assuming the responsibility to experiment “new modalities and urban planning practises”. The Memorandum represented a real innovation on an Italian and European level, which fundamental premises can be identified in the acknowledgement that urban areas are required to assume a key role in the social and economic development of Italy and Europe, and assuming that they need to be in a position in which they can practice a more efficient participation in the decision making process of the Union and the Country, bringing the point of view of the economy and the urban areas into what will be the new praxis to analyse, plan, regenerate and administrate the cities.
The urban regeneration of the city system must be used as experiment to give new life to the economic, social and cultural framework that vivify our Country and to give life again to the increasingly weak relationship between urban planning and local communities, to contrast the desertification its and negative effects, enforcing the liveability of places, decreasing the use of private cars for commuting, improving the quality of urban public spaces, enhancing the value of existing economic activities, helping the growth of a local sustainable development and increasing the occupation levels.
A considerable number of Italian cities have been protagonist of the experimentation. Those cities have representatives of Municipalities and the local Confcommercio working together in the “Laboratorio Sperimentale Nazionale su Rigenerazione Urbana e Nuove Prassi Urbanistiche” (National Experimental Lab about Urban Regeneration and New Urban Practices), coordinated by the Urban Planning Sector of the national Confcommercio, with the goal of identify new ways for the development of urban planning, economy and society in the territories. The participated process of experimentation has been useful to define actions and projects that are shared and able to use more and better the direct and indirect resources of the European and National Planning.