The “Distretto Culturale Evoluto “ is a strategic and operation programme developed by Marche Region in line with the model of cultural district ruled by LR n . 4/2010 ‘Norme in materia di beni e attività culturali’.

The project AMAMI – Actions, Multiplicity, Art, Manufacturing, Innovation- contributes to the developing body of theory on cultural districts as innovative model, where the term district does not refer to a part of a city, but to a complex system based on an integrated model of continuous improvement , focused on local productions, cultural heritage and spatial planning.

AMAMI is a network of public and private actors created with the objective to exploit the whole set of territorial cultural goods and services. The main pillars of the project are the immaterial aspects, stakeholders’ network and knowledge development. The framework is used to define pilot projects that associate tourism to mobility services, cultural and landscape heritage to communication and marketing, traditional manufacturing to innovation and creativity.