Arexpo is the Company owning the area involved in the EXPO2015.

The area covers about 105 ha and is located to the N/W of Milan, one of the most dynamic and infrastructured urban regions of Italy and one of the most important in Europe, easily accessible from international airports, underground and high speed railway interchange.

Arexpo S.p.A. has issued an international tender for the selection of the post-Expo project.

The aim of the Masterplan is to enhance the material and intangible legacy of Expo through the re-use of the huge public investments already made here, in order to build the infrastructure system of the whole site, as a suitable context for the development of the future urban project.

The concept is to limit the resources necessary for the adaptation of the area in the post-Expo phase with a high-sustainability urban regeneration project.

The Masterplan has a flexible and adaptable layout and will allow for an on-going process of comparison between the evolution of Expo.

The project seeks a high differentiation of uses and activities, giving priority to the establishment of high value-added services in spaces that vary in morphology, structure and size. This will allow the area to host a wide variety of solutions, which may make use of appropriate spaces and equipment for high quality living spaces and a provision of facilities and services in a recognizable and unique urban landscape.

A large theme park, more than just a wide green area, will be the heart of the new urban design plan, becoming the container of civic proposals for the metropolitan area and for the strengthening of the regional urban framework.

This multifaceted theme park will be open to the public and will develop, as far as possible, a close alignment with the Expo them focused on food, culture, science, innovation, information and education.

At the same time, a greater focus will be put on sports activities, with new professional, international and local facilities providing leisure time spaces and equipment.