The “EmergenzaCasa3” is part of the initiatives of the “extraordinary plan to combat the social consequences of the crisis”, organized by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo and aims to articulate interventions for problems and specific target populations affected by the ongoing crisis economic.

From the increasingly urgent demand on the house from the territory, and because of the successful cooperation between the partners involved in the first two editions of the “EmergenzaCasa”, the Foundation has renewed its commitment for 2014, expanding the network of Commons and other stakeholders (management agencies of the Health care services and the organisms “Caritas” of reference ).
Recipients of the initiative are the families, renting on the private market, difficult to bear the cost of the house because of the consequences of the crisis or who have received eviction notices.

The project is divided into two measures aimed at:

• prevent situations of emergency housing, interventions to support families to rent, at the risk of default and consequent eviction by the provision of one-time fees of up to € 1,500;
• strengthen support to families who have received formal notice of eviction for rent arrears or have been shuffled its execution, through building renovations, activation of guarantee funds, accompanying individualized interventions and initiatives involving the local community.

Novelty item than ever before is the integration with the “EsperienzaLavoro3”, which is also promoted as part of anti-crisis plan, which provides for the reintegration into the labor market of unemployed adults, selected from families that require a contribution Home, through semi-employed internships.

The budget for the 2013-14 edition of the project is 750 000 Euro.
The project involves the municipalities of: Alba, Cuneo, Mondovì, Bra, Fossano, Saluzzo, Savigliano, Boves, Borgo San Dalmazzo, Busca, Racconigi, Ceva, Dronero e Sommariva del Bosco.