After three years from the activation of the Piano di Governo del Territorio (Plan for the Governance of the Territory), finalised to the activation of a sustainable and balanced model of urban development, the numerous interventions realised, the existing construction sites already under work and the several projects on the way of definition show the image of a dynamic city, characterised by both a detailed and widespreaded transformation of its tissues and its public spaces.

The analysis of those transformations happens through a double key of lection.

On one side the city is emphasized as a “common good”, designed by a clear and strong public direction and finalised to the increase and enhancement of the open spaces and services system, in relation with the changed needs of the urban society. The construction of the public city happens through the activation of governance processes, often in synergy with private subjects, with particular attention to the social trends related with the world of working, housing and culture.

On the other side it is possible to recognize the transformation of the city through the lection of the diffused and detailed processes of urban regeneration. A new logic of development based on the new interpretation of the many “empty urban spaces” and the spaces not in use anymore, that are offering themself as an opportunity to re-think the functions of the territory, experimenting new collaborations between different subjects. The urban requalification that is going on now, aroused by the opportunities given by the new urban planning instrument, do advantage the definition of new urban centralities and new spaces of aggregation, able to implement the quality of urban tissue and public spaces.

The achievement of the public interest is the central key theme from where to start, upon which develop righteous transformation processes, able to be expression of the new way of living and building the city.