The project of self-restoration going on in Bologna consists in the restoration, done by the final user, of 9 buildings, for a total of 43 residential units, property of the Municipality of Bologna and not in use.

The Municipality found, with a public procedure, the partner subject to realise the intervention, represented by a temporary association (Associazione Temporanea di Scopo – ATS) composed by subjects with different competencies. The Xenia Association (Leader subject) will take account of the social mediation, the Consorzio ABN of Perugia will deal with all the technical, architectural, social and finance aspects, and will take care of the participative process in order to involve the final users, the neighborhood and the territories.

This partnernship consists into linking together different capabilities in the fields of technical, architectural, social and communication knowledge. The future inhabitants will participate to the development of the interventions with a certain amount of availability hours. Before the beginning of the works, the cooperative of self-restorators will sign a contract with the Municipality of Bologna to obtain the right of surface of the buildings for a length of 99 years, at the end of this period the buildings will be again a property of the Municipality. The amount of money given to obtain this right of surface will be used by the Municipality to improve the housing availability in the city.

In the month of July 2015 the Municipality of Bologna has approved a convention with the Cooperative of self-restorators and the subject Fondazione Del Monte di Bologna and Ravenna for the first 20 residential units. For November 2015 the convention between the Cooperative and the Fondazione will be undersigned.