The project – one of the first in Italy to be realized by initiative of the public administration alone – consists in the restoration of 18 apartments (about 45 possible inhabitants) inside a building owned by the ASP – City of Bologna, located in the middle of the historical center of the city, close to the cultural district called “Manifattura delle Arti” (where the Museum of Modern Art and the Cineteca are located); the goal of the project is to experiment a new way of collaborative housing for people below the age of 35. The restoration works began in September 2015 and, in the same time, the auto-selection and formation process for the guest has begun, with the definition of a “chart of values” that will keep under control the management of the common spaces, times and activities. The residential units will be rent in low charge, for group of young people, single, couples with or without childs, at the only condition of being below 35 years old, and below a certain ISEE limit.

Services and spaces to be shared are distributed on every floor, obtaining one or more spaces as living room with kitchen, laundry with space to iron, spaces for leisure time (music, reading, laboratory, gym), spaces for guests. The sustainability features of the intervention regard, in particular way, the energetic efficency of the building (thermical insulation) and the renewal of the plant system.