In between all the policies of Confcommercio – Imprese per l’Italia, the role of sustaining new processes of post degree education has a particular relevant role, focusing on the theme of giving value to commerce, turism and services into the policies of transformation and governance of cities and territories.

Those experiences are particularly important, in between the several collaborations done:

  • University of Napoli “Federico II”, Department of Architecture: two specialization classes (A.A. 2013/2014 and 2014/2015) in “Architecture and Urbanism of Business” to form architects, urbanists and economists able to deal with the theme of reciprocity between city and the third sector of the market.
  • Venice, PhD Research School IUAV: development of a project of research upon the theme of “city and commerce, an integrated project for the use of the new urbanized space”, that face new key themes in the studies of spatial analysis.
  • University Sapienza – Rome, Faculty of Civil and Industrial Engineering: II level Master in “green building and sustainable design” for the professional preparation of designers and experts technician in urban sustainable regeneration.