The Regional Landscape Plan of Puglia region (PPTR), approved with DGR no. 176 of 16.02.2015, includes a design component called “Strategic Scenario” that defines 5 PROJECTS FOR THE REGIONAL LANDSCAPE aimed at the enhancement of the quality and usability of Apulian countryside. These projects represent a detailed examination of PPTR general objectives in order to clarify and develop its objectives and enable integrated, multi-sectoral and multi-agent local planning practices. The project called “Integrated Development and Restoration of Coastal Landscapes” is one of the strategies that the plan employs to redevelop the landscape and environment of the coastal system and to interrupt the deterioration process related to man-made pressure.

The project integrates, on a thick coastal zone, interventions deployed on urban water-fronts, suburban areas, dune systems, wetlands, landscapes of high natural value, connections with the coastal hinterland and soft-mobility.

In order to fulfill the strategy of PPTR, Puglia Region has identified the “Design Competition” as the key mechanism for the acquisition of the best project proposals, in coherence with the Regional Act no. 14/2008 “Measures to support the quality of architectural works and territorial transformations”. Areas involved in the experimentation are: the towns of Ugento (Le), Torchiarolo (Br), Melendugno (Le), Gallipoli in association with the municipalities of Alliste, Taviano and Racale (Le) and the association of the municipalities of Ortelle, Diso, Spongano and Andrano – ODSA- (Le).