The Fondazione Cinema per Roma, that is the coordinator of Unesco Rome City of Film, is organizing the conference titled “The nomination Rome City of Film: presentation, ideas and thoughts” during the XIII edition of Urbanpromo. The conference is part of the events to support the nomination of Roma, which will take place in the period of valuation of the dossier. At the moment Italy subscribed 3 cities in the prestigious Unesco List: Bologna for the Music, Fabriano for the Art and Craft and Torino for the Design.

The Comitato Tecnico Organizzativo (Technical Organisational Committee) born in December 2014 to activate the partecipative process of the nomination, and started involving several public and private subjects, such as MIBACT, Regione Lazio, Roma Capitale, Istituto Luce Cinecittà, RAI, La Casa del Cinema, Federculture, le tre  Università di Roma ,Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – Scuola Nazionale “Gian Maria Volontè”, Fondazione Cinema per Roma, Fondazione Roma Lazio Film Commission, Associazione Nazionale Industrie Cinematografiche Audiovisive, A.G.I.S. and ANEC Lazio Istituto Centrale per il Restauro.

The plan of action and strategy of 4-years development for the project Rome City of Film has been defined in 2015, together with the production of the Nomination Dossier.

The great value of the Nomination Dossier Rome City of Film is based upon the fact that it is systematizing the identity, the experiences, the professionality and governance of the movie sector.

The urban and economical process, which the Dossier is referring to, is the creative cluster, able to give a new energy to the culture industry of the City in relation with the Unesco Network (UCCN).

The Plan of Action of Rome City of Film foresee: the sharing of better international practices for the conservation of movies and their enhancement into archives and museums, the constitution of creative laboratories to increase the education and the young occupation, the entrepreneurship, the international relationships and the involvement of new audience.