The Hera Group, born in 2002, is one of the first multi-utility society in Italy and acts in the field services of primary importance, which are fundamental to grant the development of the territory and served communities. Hera is the first national operator in the environment sector, the second for hydric service, third for gas distribution and fifth for the selling of electric energy, and it represents the first national experience of aggregation between municipal undertaking societies. The Group has more than 8.500 employees and serves more than 4,4 million inhabitants distributed between 358 Municipalities in Emilia Romagna, Marche, Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia. For what concern the garbage Hera in 2015 collected more than 2 million tons of urban waste, sending to the recovery more than the 94% of what has been collected with separate waste. After years of research and important investments in innovation for all the services provided, Hera has developed a “smart system” that is unique for the international and national panorama: it is starting a revolution on the public hygiene services. HergoAmbiente has been created to manage in an integrated and functional way all the activities of waste collection and street cleaning, basing on the complete computerization of the processes. Thanks to this system, it will be possible to rationalize the use of the facilities, consuming 150.000 liters of fuel less every year, which means saving 400 tons of CO2 emission.
In 2016 started an intensive plan for the activation of the systems for pay-as-you-throw in all municipalities by 2020. A first significant proportion will be activated by 2017.