The activity is finalized to the realization of a model of Smart Community for the enhancement of the territory and it predicts the elaboration of a new proposal to improve, on the identified territory: the features through which it is possible to decline methods and instruments for urban regeneration, the involvement of the community, the optimizations of services for the citizen, the integration of decision making process, the promotion of practices related with environmental sustainability and mobility, the critical application of technological systems. The activity of definition of the Smart Living System model (as a model of planning, business, operatively, and to calculate the social-environmental impact) is articulated into main categories:

a) Analysis of the state of the art in this specific field with the individuation of best practices

b) Interpretation of the active dynamics on the territory analyzed to give it a new interpretation both cultural (storytelling) and programmatic. The themes of analysis at the beginning will be mobility, energy and security.

c) Definition of a new innovative model for the identification of a smart community able to create, and distribute, public value, through real actions.

Specifically, the program of the activities of Feasibility Analysis of the model for the realization of a Territorial Smart Community will develop in the following phases:

1) Definition of the “model of value” of the Smart Community

2) Definition of the development opportunities of the Smart Community

3) Choose of the solution to implement through the verification of abilitative subjects

4) Analysis of the impact of the planning on the Smart City

5) Preparation of the “Business Case” of the “Project”

6) Definition of the “Plan of implementation for the Project” and the underlying deals

The research will be based upon the real case of the territory of Castel Bolognese that will be considered a methodological model for the small and medium Italian Municipalities through three pilar, shared with the literature of the sector: the community defines who collaborate, the social media where it collaborates and the proposal of value defines why it collaborates. The perimeter are the different territories (the street, the district, the city, the vast area).

The interaction system described is able to generate a new subject, both social and economic, the “proxsumer” (a neologism obtained by the union of the word prosumer and proximity). In proposing new interactions, products and services, it transforms the community of intents into a community of action, participating to the creation of value and proposing itself as a terminal of new redistribution models. The new citizen is a pillar of the smart planning Smart Living System).