The Municipality of Reggio Emilia has reacted to the global crisis with a process of strategic planning aiming a sustainable urban development, through a cross strategy, involving economy, society and culture. The territorial background is the historical neighborhood of Santa Croce in the Northern area of the city, which also includes the Mediopadana high speed Station and the Reggio Emilia Park of Innovation. The implementation instrument is the currently underway Urban Regeneration Plan of the Santa Croce Neighborhood. It is been also nominated for the Premiership’s call about suburban renewal to achieve a further development. The additional funding would allow the start of a new phase for the Urban Regeneration Plan, with more public and private stakeholders and where the historical industrial neighborhood – currently a negected area – becomes an added value for the city innovation policy. The Municipality have planned three different lines of action:
– renewal of additional Officine Meccaniche Reggiane warehouses to complete the Park of Innovation – the first european centre of a scientific-technological-humanities nature – offering more services to companies and research laboratories;
– reuse – even only temporarly or with small renewal works – of abandoned spaces for cultural, educational, sport or welfare use, activating forms of social innovation and active citizenship;
– reactivation of infrastructures and functional connections between Santa Croce and the city centre, by the regenaration of different roads and of Piazzale Europa.
The Santa Croce Urban Regeneration Plan is the model for an innovative way of ruling the territory, where city planning becomes an instrument at the service of the idea of the city