The Municipality of Bologna deamnded for a financing of 18 billion euro through the “Bando per la predisposizione del Programma straordinario di intervento per la riqualificazione urbana e la sicurezza delle periferie”, promoted on a national level by the Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri.

The candidate interventions can be divided into 2 territorial groups: Pilastro and Arcoveggio.


The proposal identify a system of interventions for the physical, economic and social relaunch of the area through the landscape regeneration that is identified as a “necessary goal to recover the dignity and the expressive identity of the places, strengthening social cohesion”.
The definition of goals and project choices kept into consideration two ways of public confrontation “Pilastro 2016” and “Collaborare is Bologna”.
The 9 proposed interventions regard: the regeneration of the green spaces, the vegetable gardens and the library of the district; the realization of a public square, a barrack for the Carabinieri, a multi-functional building for the community; the recovering of 2 building related to agriculture practice and relative courtyards to activate practices of agriculture for the community and social inclusion; the realization of bike connections between those areas and the improvement of accessibility through public transportation.

The proposal regard the recovering of the former multi-level parking, built in 1990 and now not in use anymore, to be converted in a pole for the conservation and restoration of celluloid movies conserved in the Cineteca in Bologna. More than the celluloid movies archive, there will also be a new location for the laboratory of cinema restoration, a point of reference in this field on a national level.