With the creation of the “Fondo Investimenti per la Valorizzazione” for public real estate, CDP Investimenti Sgr, manager of the saving funds for Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, is busy with the urban regeneration and improvement of a conspicuous amount of public buildings, mainly composed of former barracks.
The main goal of the Fondo Investimenti per la Valorizzazione, which activities can be enlisted in the field of “actions to reach the goals of public financing through the dismissing of real estate properties”, is to promote and enhance the privatization of public buildings with a potential value related with a change in their category of use, building renovation or income generation, granting an income to all the subscribers.
Within this frame, the definition of the interventions acquires great importance; that is entrusted to third parties through procedures of competitive selection or architecture competitions.
Regarding this, in the last 3 years the society has completed four competitions. The first two were finished in 2015, those are: “Progetto Flaminio” for the renovation of the former Stabilimento Militare Materiali Elettrici e di Precisione located in via Guido Reni in Rome, won by Studio Paola Viganò, and “Progetto Montelungo” for the reuse of former barracks Montelungo and Colleoni in Bergamo, won by Barozzi-Veiga. In 2017 the competitions for “Progetto San Gallo” and “Progetto Sani” were also finished, the first for the conversion of the former military hospital San Gallo in Firenze, won by a group of designers coordinated by the architect Rossi Prodi, and the second for the masterplan of the former barrack Sani in Bologna, won by studio Dogma.
In Rome, the integrated program of intervention for the conversion of the areas in via Guido Reno has been presented to the public administration (Municipality) in December 2015 and it is under implementation right now.
The architecture project of Bergamo, the complete project and the general urban norms for the former military hospital of Firenze and the Piano Urbanistico Attuativo of the former barrack Sani in Bologna are still under definition for the implementation.