The “Nuovo Quartiere: Darsena di S.Paolo-ex Mof-MEIS” has been nominated and  financed for 18 million euros by the “Bando Periferie” in the year 2016: this financing will allow the implementation of public areas allocated to “territorial endowments” over the next three years.
The definitive and executive designs of the planned works have been assigned through direct assignment, negotiated procedure and national and European open procedures in relation to the amount of the intervention. The executive design of the intervention “A2 redevelopments ex MOF and Darsena di San Paolo” has been carried out with personnel employed by the Administration. The executive projects of the interventions have been already approved and sent to the Ministry in compliance with the times set by the agreement.
The projects favor solutions which do not lead to further land consumption; instead, they will generate and enhance an overall recovery of the whole area and push a different approach to the life of the city.
In addition, boosting the quality of public spaces becomes an opportunity to improve the city’s ecological environmental strategy, as such projects profoundly concern the issue of climatic adaptation: an essential reference to European projects.