The new Program of Social Housing in Prato foresees the realization, on the plots KK and YY, of the PdL of public initiative “Gello”, owned by the Municipality, with about 80 housing units for renting for 15 years with reduced rent costs and with low sell prices after the end of that period.
In exchange for the concession of the plots for free (value of 3€ million) it is required to offer, for 15 years, housing units for a monthly rent price not above 5,80 € per sqm of net area (ex: two-rooms apartments for about € 340 per month, three-rooms apartments for about € 500 excl. taxes) with sell price not higher than 1.850€ per sqm.
The public Municipal procedure of the competition identified as Operator the society Investire Sgr. that has launched the design competition, won by “Studio tecnico Edilprogetti” and “MDU architetti”.
The winning project foresees the realization of 72 housing units of which 50% of about 50 sqm, together with common spaces required from the functional program as multi-functional space, test-room and a room dedicated to the counter for the social manager.
The urban project involves a square, public green areas, playgrounds for kids, a pavilion and a space for outdoor cinema in the garden.