The Cooperation strategy for urban development “Mar e Tiaris” promotes slow tourism in the countryside through: the improvement and enhancement of the touristic offer of Grado towards the mainland, increasing the value of the local enogastronomic and rural heritage; the creation and promotion of touristic and sustainable itineraries; network connection of operators and public spaces to enhance the system of diffused welcoming; the enhancement of the typical products, environmental, cultural, archeologic and landscape resources.
The specific features present in the territory subject of the strategy are connected through the discovery and improvement of bike and pedestrian path, trails for horses and an environmental frame rich of ecosystems, which goes through the spring areas to the lagoon and the sea.
The Mayors of the 10 Municipalities are focusing on creating awareness and sensitivity in the citizens and the tourists towards slow mobility, sustainable development and the knowledge of good practises (reduction of wastes, health routes, healthy food) which bring a better lifestyle in a context involving 4 systems interconnected with each other: reception/food service – agriculture / production – natural environment /social environment – historic / artistic / cultural.
The interrelationship between territory capital and synergies of cooperation between public and private subjects allow the starting a promotion and enhancement of the places in a sustainable, coordinated and shared vision.