Giovinazzo is a small town in N-W of the metropolitan city of Bari with a population of about 20,396 inhabitants. It is located 20 km from Bari and its coastline stretches for 10.61 km. The Municipal Administration of Giovinazzo continues in the urban regeneration policy undertaken as a methodology to redevelop the territory of Giovinazzo and give a complete sense to the future urbanism of the city, especially as a set of measures to rebuild the lives of citizens. The water front and its consolidation to defend it from erosion, is one of the key issues that the municipal administration of Giovinazzo has pursued and over two years, (2015-2017), has been able to redevelop significant sections of the areas overlooking the two promenades (one to the east of the historic center and the other to the west) in addition to the reclamation of the Lama Castle that intercepts, east of the city, the promenade of the east. The project presented attempts to complete the rehabilitation of the last stretch of the west promenade with the remaining part of the territory focusing on the space between city and water and on the delicate relationship between urban territory and natural scenery through the study and comparison of the different types of settlement and the different urban landscapes that characterize the city of Giovinazzo. The margins between city and water have always been the object of settlement, first for functional reasons (port activities, defense of the coast), then based on the fashion of the seaside resort up to the domination of a pressing mass tourism. In a short time, the coast frequented to benefit from a positive contact with nature, has gradually civilized, until it assumes a precise character of public space populated by a series of architectural elements, collective practices and urban meanings. they are aimed at improving the overall resilience of the coastal system; they concern the creation of a system of open paths and public spaces located along the stretch of the west coast of the urban water front.