The new urban plan for the city of Troina, currently undergoing final approval, contains long-term and short-term strategies capable of directing the phenomena in progress towards clear aims of territorial sustainability, safeguarding of environmental resources, landscape, of mitigation and adaptation to territorial risks.

A plan focused on urban redevelopment and on the contrast of the negative macro-phenomena that afflict the urban systems of the internal areas: depopulation, isolation, abandonment of agricultural areas, loss of local identity, increase in territorial fragility.

Undesirable dynamics to which the current administration has decided to put a brake, with the awareness of the central role that urban planning and urban policies can and must play in such processes.

The Administration has therefore provided itself with an urban plan centered on clear choices aimed at urban redevelopment and the recovery of the building heritage, the containment of land consumption and the redefinition of the city-country relationship, the improvement of accessibility and the creation of infrastructures for sustainable tourism and other productive realities.

The plan was the starting point to imagine and build new tools aimed at enhancing the recovery action of the built city and improving the quality of the urban environment. A strategic plan for the recovery of the medieval historic center, accompanied by regulations for urban decoration and a color plan, together with the identification of some strategic public works, already provided for in the plan, are the concrete actions that will give physical form to the Troina to come.