The great resource of the Ravenna area consists in the richness and variety of its landscapes. The enhancement of the relationship between the environment and the beach first of all means opening the beauty of the Ravenna coastal landscape, to promote a first-rate tourist offer that is not exclusively oriented towards the sea. The maritime park extends and affects the relevant landscape areas of the coast and connects to those of the hinterland through a network of routes. The planning of such a vast portion of territory is structured on key concepts (revealing, mending, amplifying, promoting) with the common goal of safeguarding and enhancing the environment and at the same time allowing sustainable use and promotion of the territory.

“Reveal” is to offer a double and immediate view of the sea, the wetlands, the planes, the mouths of rivers and the countryside, along with the beach, with the initiatives of tourist development included in the development plan of the territory. “Resew” is to regenerate the natural balance interrupted in some stretches of the coastal territory in the relationship between the beach, dune and pine forest. “Amplify” the potential of the territory, consisting of various environments each with unique characteristics. “Promote” means maintaining quality tourism throughout the year, through a system of routes that allows the connection and enjoyment of coastal landscapes, thus offering new opportunities.