The Housing Programme of the Compagnia di San Paolo launched the ioabitosocial platform in March 2019 in order to find temporary social housing solutions in Italy:

The ioabitosocial platform is an opportunity to network, to relate the ever-increasing demand for people looking for housing solutions for short periods and the supply of numerous temporary residence managers in Italy. It is addressed to people in stressful living conditions, to students, to business travellers, to city users, to the elderly and to young couples.
The aim of the platform is to facilitate the search of temporary housing solutions through geolocation and the identification of needs, making the existing Social Housing realities visible and accessible through the candidacy of the managers.
The project comes from an initiative of the Compagnia di San Paolo, but it counts on the participation of all the realities of temporary Social Housing in our country. The Housing Program of the Compagnia di San Paolo – born in 2006 to respond with innovative projects to the housing demand of those who find themselves in a situation of social and economic vulnerability – proposes, by combining architectural and urban aspects with social and economic financial aspects, to contribute to the birth and spread of a new culture of living, made up of participation, social relations, territorial integration, environmental sustainability, intergenerational solidarity, social mix, domestic coexistence, cooperation.