The second edition of Urbanpromo Green 2018 is characterized by a better specialization, by an in-depth analysis of its topics and by a more and more careful organization of the scientific and technical interests of a wide and various audience. The event consists of four main themes and each of them offers starting points to analyze in every single conference and seminar.





Towards more equal and comfortable cities

The session deals with the issues of the city and building security with the aim of showing the connections between the security dimension and the sustainability one. In Italy there are many regulatory interventions to facilitate the seismic safety of public and private buildings and to improve their energy efficiency.

The goal of this session is giving a first appraisal of these mixed policies, which are often the result of different laws and bodies of the public administration. In addition, the session is oriented to examine in depth the technical aspects to be considered in the implementation of such interventions, contemplating the new technical standards for constructions, as well as the most recent technical innovations, especially those related to wood technologies and structures.

About urban dimension, this session also pays attention to some key issues, such as design of resilient cities and sustainable urban morphologies, strategies to contrast soil consumption, renewal of disused urban areas through their temporary uses.


Towards a reading and an understanding of the urban metabolism

The session is dedicated to the environmental and structural features of projects for large urban parks and renewal of green urban spaces. Fifty years after the confirmation of the urban green space as a standard, the session presents new ways of conceiving and planning green spaces in everyone’s interests.

This session also includes topics about experiences of urban agriculture, illustrated in the last edition too, and innovative use of technologies in this sector. The production of food in the city, its distribution and consumption, up to the formation and treatment of waste, are explained through the presentation of concrete experiences of circular economy.


Water as a paradigm of life, work and economic development

The session reintroduces and develops some fundamental topics in Urbanpromo, such as the role of the Po in the landscape and the economy of the Po Valley. In this context, special attention will be paid to the development of river contracts. The section also deals with the theme of water as a limited resource that is difficult to find and to distribute, since this question is becoming important in some Italian urban areas. The session crosses the Sustainable Mobility one on several issues, such as those about harbor features and navigability.


How technology is changing urban life and the use of old and new services, improving them and making them more open and shared

New technologies increase the opportunity of producing data, communicating, sharing spatial information and making networking in our cities.

This theme deals with the multiple ways in which public administrations and communities can make a smart use of the city. In fact, application and experimentation of innovative technological tools have improved the ability to understand urban complexity, encouraging an urban planning capable of solving problems otherwise difficult to identify. This can include the management of climate change issue, the efficiency of public transport and the contribution of social innovation or urban spaces regeneration.

With reference to the latter topic, greater emphasis will be given to experiences linked to the recovery of often abandoned or marginal places using new technologies by local communities. In this context, the word ‘sharing city’ is emphasized, as are the experiences aimed to make cities more just and equal.


Mobility as a tool for connecting territories in ways which are mainly non-polluting and affordable

Urbanpromo Green participates in the European Mobility Week – promoted by the European Commission and handled by the Ministry of the Environment in Italy – with a specific thematic section. Among the main topics covered, there are regional transport planning with a view to sustainability, with the example of the PRIT of the Veneto Region, the regional legislative framework and the design of national and local bicycle lanes as important infrastructures to support tourism, culture, landscape as well as urban cycling with its fundamental role of completing the system of soft mobility that allows new affirmations for the quality of cities and territories by enhancing the ongoing initiatives in the country and by creating opportunities to acquire knowledge and to confront, by supporting green navigability and public transport programs with means that use renewable and alternative energy sources.

On these and other important issues that animate the studies and the designs inspired by the idea of sustainability, Urbanpromo Green 2018 intends to involve State bodies, Regions and Municipalities, together with the other public subjects who hold various competences, the associations, professionals, the world of research and training, companies.