The network of active mobility routes identified for the Geological & Mining Park plan is composed of a multimodal system (hiking, cycle tourism, combination of cycling and train travel). This ensures the enjoyment of and sustainable access, at the regional level, to the natural, historical and environmental heritage to be explored within the Park’s eight areas. These areas are physically connected making it possible to travel from one to the other despite their being situated in different parts of the island.

Planning a network of this kind involves providing a non-traditional interpretation of the places to be visited, in other words based on the concept of offering enjoyment of the areas and the landscape that is better tailored to the peculiar features characterizing them. Additionally, a series of thematic routes has been created so as to ensure adequate continuity between the attractions in the different parts of the island. This offers the visitor a unique tailor-made travel experience encompassing different themes, including the Nuragic archaeology, mining sites and archaeology, natural areas, the intangible cultural heritage in Sardinia recognized by UNESCO and ancient volcanic areas.