Social housing is the great theme at the center of Urbanpromo Social Housing, a specialized event promoted by INU together with Compagnia di San Paolo, Cariplo Foundation and CRT Development and Growth Foundation. CDPi SGR and the Social Housing Foundation participate in the realization of the event.

For ten years Urbanpromo Social Housing has been the only Italian event entirely dedicated to housing policies, their tools, sectors and methods of intervention. The event will take place the 17th and 18th November 2020, as part of the 17th edition of “Urbanpromo Progetti per il Paese“.

The program that is being configured deal with, in succession, the theme of the demand for social infrastructures, that of the financial resources that can be activated and finally that of the landing of resources in the cities, that is, the ability to spend.

The binder of this succession is the aspiration to reduce the inequalities, accentuated by the effect of the pandemic, with direct feedback on the urban contexts. Here are the sessions that will make the program realised.

Opening session: “How to relaunch social infrastructure in Italy“.
The session takes its name from the recent High-Level Task Force Report promoted by Fondazione Astrid e dalla Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto. Special Rapporteur is Edoardo Reviglio.
Luisa Ingaramo, Giordana Ferri and Luca Talluri are part of the working group on “home” infrastructure. The session, connected to the one on the access to European funding held two years ago, will be opened by a scenario research about the future evolution of housing demand (Nomisma for public housing, Cresme for social housing), and will focus on an introduction by Edoardo Reviglio.
Starting from “InvestEU”, the morning’s program will open to “Next Generation EU” and to the “Recovery Plan” and therefore, more generally, to the examination of the funding opportunities that will be activated at European level. The intervention of the Presidents or General Directors of the foundations of banking origin and of CDPi is expected.

“Living the change. What has happened to social housing and how to seize the opportunities generated inside and outside”, a session organised by Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation on the initiatives already launched and about to be launched to tackle the social emergencies caused by the epidemic. The programme, which is currently being drawn up, generally envisages a frontal initial part, a central part organised with working tables and a final part in plenary.

“Urban regeneration, Social Housing and community: the British model between villages and cities”, session by Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT. Preliminary contacts recorded the willingness of The Prince’s Fuondation (on sustainable urban design, community involvement, investment models in strategic sectors such as housing, health, training), The National Lottery Fund (a public body that uses the funds raised by the national lottery to support projects with a significant social impact on health, the environment, education, social inclusion).

Presentation of social housing projects and realizations assuming some keys of interpretation. For example, how social housing projects respond to the difficult living and working conditions triggered by the spread of Covid-19.