Rosalba D’Onofrio, Michele Talia, University of Camerino

Over the last few decades, the urban planning debate has given constant attention to the paradigm of urban density, but the references it has used have often been ambivalent.
Starting from a search for the optimal density linked to the parameters proposed first by the hygienic culture and then by functionalism, the compactness of the settlements was interpreted as a sort of “antidote” to the environmental and climatic crisis generated by urbanization processes. In contrasting with the model of the widespread city, disciplinary reflection has thus favored the promotion of European policies for the containment of land consumption and densification, but has often led to an uncritical acceptance of density as a value in itself.
In the period following the outbreak of the pandemic, this discussion has maintained its centrality, but its contents have undergone a real reversal. In fact, where urban concentration is now perceived as an important dangerous factor, there is the risk of underestimating in this way the important benefits that dense cities are able to generate through the declination of economies of scale, the improvement of accessibility and the qualitative and performance reconfiguration of territorial endowments.
In addition to hosting a discussion and an update on the new values ​​assumed by urban density in the post-covid city, the seminar will therefore try to identify a point of balance between these opposing theses, and at the same time try to verify how some recent experiences, such as that of the Canton of Ticino on the quality centripetal settlement and of the General Urban Planning Plan of Bologna which declines a new concept of habitability, within the framework of the new priorities assumed by the contrast to land consumption, can provide useful indications for improving urban quality and reinterpreting density in the urban design of the contemporary city.


Start of the session

Michele Talia, INU President, University of Camerino

– Reinterpreting population density and proximity in the city of the future

Rosalba D’Onofrio, University of Camerino

The quality centripetal settlement development in the Programma d’azione comunale (PAC) of Cantone Ticino
Luciana Mastrillo

The habitability and attractiveness of the city in the Piano Urbanistico Generale (PUG) of Bologna
Francesco Evangelisti

New priorities in the fight against soil consumption
Andrea Arcidiacono

A debate of many voices

Speech coordinator:
Michele Talia, INU President, University of Camerino

Patrizia Gabellini, Stefano Moroni, Gabriele Pasqui