Matelda Reho, Giulia Lucertini, Iuav University of Venice

The situation created in the face of the COVID 19 emergency has given new acceleration to the debate on food policy, which had already made significant progress in recent years. The pandemic has highlighted with greater force, on the one hand, how much the characteristics of the food system can influence the well-being of the city and interact with its transformations, on the other hand how important are the connections with the surrounding territory and how much the globalization of consumption has up to now distorted this relationship, changing our behavior and our cities. While at the local level more or less effective solutions were being activated, even with respect to the initial policy contexts, in May, the EU Communication “A Farm to fork Strategy, for a fair, healthy and environmentally frienly food system” was published, giving a further legitimacy to some instances.

In the long months of the emergency, therefore, expectations, guidelines and practices have emerged, which probably, not only in the food system, will produce longer-term transformations, on which it is worth reflecting. With the occasion of Urbanpromo Green, we want to give testimony of what is changing, in particular in the habits of urban supply and consumption, also referring to the city spaces and their use. There are questions about the new problems in the field of logistics, the possibilities of expanding the short chain, the foreseeable changes in small and large distribution and in particular in local markets, the intensification and structuring of social solidarity practices in the supply of food.
It is hoped that the topic will stimulate a debate within the seminar, as well as the reporting / collection of testimonies on the topics covered, both before (with opportunities for presentation) and after the event.


Matelda Reho
, Iuav University of Venice

Food perspective. Supply and consumption in the EU Communication “A Farm to fork Strategy, for a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system”
Gianluca Brunori
, University of Pisa

Supply and consumption post COVID 19: the initiatives
Egidio Dansero
, University of Turin

Emergency and food issue: experiences in the Metropolitan City of Turin
Elena Di Bella
Metropolitan City of Turin

Social distancing and urban spaces: effects and consequences
Matteo Girolamo Puttilli, Sara Bonati, Mirella Loda, University of Florence

COVID 19 emergency and planning
Marco Mazzarino
Iuav University of Venice

Conclusion of the session