Simona Giustino, Alessandra Susanna, CDP Investimenti SGR

One of the most discussed topics of recent times is certainly Urban Regeneration, today an integral part of national and European policies. Disused buildings, underused areas, entire degraded districts, environmental problems: it is necessary to reinvent cities, transform them with eco-sustainable systemic interventions aimed at improving urban and socio-economic conditions, through the re-qualification and reorganization of spaces, the infrastructure of the territory, the inclusion of functions that respond to the needs expressed by the market.
To this end, it seems necessary, first of all, an integrated planning approach that combines aspects linked to the building and the environment with more general objectives linked to the social dimension, putting different kinds of interests and opportunities into the system. Moreover, it has now been demonstrated that urban regeneration interventions constitute an economic engine capable of generating significant impacts and repercussions on the socio-economic fabric of cities and in this sense they are explored by the public administration as much as by private entities.

If you are interested in participating in the development of the programme of this conference, you can leave us a comment or report in the “contributions” section below.


Giordana Ferri, Social Housing Foundation

Barbara Casagrande, Head of General Management for State Building and Special Projects
Simone di Gennaro, FIV Management and Development Manager, CDPI SGR
Gabriele Bonfiglioli, Managing Director, Investment Management, COIMA SGR

Presentation of CDP urban regeneration projects

Coordinates the presentation of projects:
Stefano Brancaccio, CDPI SGR

Renovation project of the former Service Centre of Scandicci (FI)
Marco Nicolò, CDPI SGR and Tommaso Vanni, Real Estate Area Manager, Capo progetto, AICOM Engineering S.p.A.

Urban redevelopment project in Via Guido Reni in Roma
Stefano Brancaccio, CDPI SGR and Alessio Tamiazzo, Studio Paola Viganò

Former Ospedali Riuniti of Bergamo
Maria Chiara Giglio, CDPI SGR

Urban regeneration project of the former Tobacco Factory Perugia – Social Housing intervention
Armando Ricca, Prelios SGR, Manager of the Sustainable Housing Fund in Central Italy participated by the Housing Investment Fund

Conclusion of works

Curators and speakers:
Giordana Ferri FHS
Executive Director of FHS for which she designs the concepts of the new residential interventions and the tools for the development and management of collaborative social housing. She has published books and contributions in trade magazines. In 2017 she curated the exhibition "New Urban Body esperienze di generazione urbana" at the Milan Triennale.
Barbara Casagrande Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Barbara Casagrande, Director of the General Directorate for State Building and Special Operations of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. Graduated in law from LUISS in Rome, lawyer, public executive since 2000 in the roles of MIT.
Marco Nicolò CDPI SGR
Asset Manager at CDP Investimenti SGR, Fondo Investimenti per la Valorizzazione. From 2014 in the CDP Group's real estate development area. Graduated in Civil Engineering at the Sapienza - University of Rome and Master Executive Real Estate Finance at the Luiss Business School in 2017.
Tommaso Vanni AICOM Engineering S.p.A.
Architect, freelancer, designer of numerous new construction and urban and architectural redevelopment projects in the residential, production, management and commercial sectors. Consultant and designer for Italian public and private bodies in the urban and architectural field, currently Aicom Real Estate Area Manager.
JOHN IORIO J&A Consultants s.r.l
Founding partner, together with Giorgio Montagna in 1986 of J&A, the first company in Italy specialized in project management. On the strength of decades of experience in management, he manages some of the most important contracts on the Italian scene, in residential, mixed-use and high-rise buildings, with coordination activities between disciplines, time/cost control and value engineering. He collaborates with the world's largest design studios and major investment companies.
Armando Ricca Prelios SGR
In Prelios SGR since 2020, he has held the position of Senior Vice President of the Public Sector and Social Housing Fund Management BU. Over 25 years of experience in the Italian Real Estate market on important development and portfolio projects. Civil Engineer, EMBA at SDA Bocconi, Adjunct Professor at Politecnico di Milano at the Master in Social and Collaborative Housing.
