Vittorio Salmoni, INU – URBIT

Cultural places, particularly in the post-Covid era, represent one of the crucial factors of a city’s economy, laboratories of ideas, centers of attraction, comparison, dissemination, socialization. The most important Italian cities have rethought and regenerated entire parts around a Museum, a seat of a Cultural Foundation.
The villages of the inland areas focus on places of culture and digital technologies to structure their future. Today the urban and territorial role of cultural spaces is expanding, diversifying to the point of taking on completely unexpected features: it happens that heterogeneous functions are concentrated in them that give rise to multidisciplinary ensembles capable of intercepting different cultural, educational, artistic experiential needs at the same time.
The cases proposed by the speakers, chosen across the board also at the international level, will account for the experiences of elaboration and reorganization of cultural spaces already underway, also in light of the structural transformations imposed by the measures to counter the pandemic, which characterize this new interesting phase. But we do not want to limit ourselves to a review of cases: the aim is to offer administrations, local communities and cultural operators material to develop new urban models and policies.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


Vittorio Salmoni, INU – URBIT


Pippo Ciorra, Maxxi Foundation   
Lorenza Baroncelli, Trienniale Scientific Committee
Daniele Pitteri, A.D. Musica Per Roma
Mauro Felicori, Councillor for Culture Emilia-Romagna
Oliviero Ponte di Pino, Journalist and writer, Organizer BookCity
Giovanni Agosti, Art Historian, University of Milano
Paolo Giulierini, Director MANN – Archaeological Museum of Naples
Lucio Argano, President of MIBACT Public Entertainment Commission
Vittoria Crisostomi, Roma Tre University

Conclusion of works


Curators and speakers:
Vittorio Salmoni INU - URBIT
Architect, he carries out activities in the fields of architecture and urban planning, in particular in strategic territorial planning and urban regeneration, he is a member of the Board of Directors of Urbit, Urbanistica Italiana and Istao, Istituto Adriano Olivetti.
Pippo Ciorra MAXXI Foundation
Architect, critic, teacher, member of the editorial board of "Casabella" from 1996 to 2012, he collaborates with newspapers and magazines and is author of many essays and publications. He has curated and set up exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Since 2009 he has been senior curator for MAXXI Architettura in Rome.
Daniele Pitteri A.D. Musica Per Roma
Cultural manager, expert in cultural and communication processes, essayist and university lecturer. He has directed, among others, the Universal Forum of Cultures in Naples, the Santa Maria della Scala Museum Complex in Siena, the Visual Arts Foundation in Modena.
Oliviero Ponte di Pino BookCity
Oliviero Ponte di Pino worked for over forty years in publishing (Ubulibri, Rizzoli, Garzanti, of which he was editorial director from 2000 to 2012). Since 2012 he has been in charge of the Bookcity Milano programme. He founded in 2001 and in 2016. He is president of the Cultural Association Ateatro. He conducts on Radio3 Rai Piazza Verdi and teaches Literature and Philosophy of Theatre at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera.
Lucio Argano MIBACT
Executive Area Culture of PTSCLAS, he teaches cultural management at the Catholic University of Milano and at Roma Tre University. President of MiBACT's Superior Council for Performing Arts, he directed the Roma Film Festival and Perugia 2019 ECoC candidate.
Paolo Giulierini MANN - Museo Archeologico di Napoli
An archaeologist, he graduated in Etruscology and Italic Antiquities and specialised in classical archaeology at the University of Florence, where he then also didactic work. As Director of MANN, he designed and supervised the reopening of the Egyptian, Epigraphic, Magna Graecia and Prehistory sections.
Vittoria Crisostomi INU - URBIT
Former Director of the General Planning Department and then of the Urban Redevelopment Department at the PAU in Rome. A research doctor, she is contract professor at the Laboratory of Urban Design University "Roma3", previously of the course "Fundamentals of Urban Planning" at La Sapienza University.
