Gianni Biagi, Director of URBIT

The economic situation caused by the health emergency has led the Italian legislator to make important interventions to support the economy. In the construction sector in particular, it has been possible to increase the existing tax deductions for improvements in the energy and seismic efficiency of buildings up to 110% of the cost of the interventions.

Urbanpromo Green had already addressed the issue of the effectiveness of tax incentives as a lever for the overall improvement of the building stock of our country, noting lights and many shadows on the effective applicability of the rules. The seminar aims to examine, practically live, the conditions of applicability of these new rules which have only been approved for a few weeks and for whose application the decrees and the application circulars have been issued a few days ago.

The extensive activation of energy efficiency and seismic safety measures of the Italian public and private building heritage would allow not only to improve the efficiency and safety of our cities but also to rebuild a new face to Italian cities and in particular to those parts of the city built immediately after the war and up to the 1980s that most need to rebuild an adequate and new urban image. In fact, by intervening on the “skin” of the buildings it could also be possible to “change” the external image of the buildings and reconstruct a new urban scene. To discuss all this, we called experts from Enea, the Revenue Agency, the Iuav University of Venice, and private entities that have been operating in the sector for some time. Subjects who will be, for better or for worse, the protagonists of this new season.


Gianni Biagi, Direttore URBIT

Tax deductions of 110% for energy efficiency interventions in buildings
Domenico Prisinzano, Engineer in charge of the laboratory DUEE-SPS-SAP of Enea

Valeria Gambardella, Enersharehub

The evolution of the building stock: energy efficiency towards NZEB buildings
Piercarlo Romagnoni, Iuav University of Venice 

Conclusion of the session