Iole Piscolla, Journalist and Head of Promotion, Tourism and Events Città del Vino National Association, Valeria Lingua, University of Firenze

The seminar represents an important moment for the Città del Vino Association which, following the departure of its Director, Paolo Benvenuti, intends to pay homage to him not only with a commemorative meeting but with an operational seminar, in which to continue the work he has undertaken : bring the themes of the enhancement of wine-producing areas into territorial and urban planning and, for some years, also into practices. For this purpose, the seminar constitutes an advanced reflection on the work of updating the “Methodological lines to enhance quality wine-growing areas in the territorial and urban planning of rural areas”, whose application has reached a twenty-year milestone, to include the proposed themes and debated, also in the context of Urbanpromo, in recent years: the use of the wine landscape, accessibility from the architectural to the territorial scale, energy efficiency and renewable energy, the new forms of living in the countryside, food planning, integration between wine-producing areas and wide area policies. The contributions presented as part of the seminar represent the basis for updating the methodological lines, which today requires rethinking the relationship between wine and the plan with new perspectives, capable of enhancing multiple thematic interactions and the resulting good practices.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


Present and moderate:
Valeria Lingua, Professor in Territory and Settlement Analysis in the Degree Course in Architecture of the University of Firenze

Prospects for integrated development of quality wine areas

Floriano Zambon, Città del Vino National Association President


Food planning and agricultural landscapes: the relationship between food and cities as a new frontier
Davide Marino, Associate Professor of Economics and Rural Estimation at the Department of Biosciences and Territory of the University of Molise

Environmental sustainability in the Company and in the territory
Michele Manelli, President of Soc. Agr. Salcheto, Vice-President of Equalitas, Director of the Consortium Wine PEF Pilot

Climate change and agricultural planning
Sara Zambianchi, Consultant at Azienda Agr. Zambianchi, Researcher at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Sommelier AIS, Coordinator of the Wine Cities of Lombardia, Councillor of the Municipality of Pietra dè Giorgi and of the Wine and Flavours Route of Oltrepò Pavese.

The culture of wine and the culture of living
Antonio Fassone, Architect and INU Councillor

New perspectives for the Wine Cities Master Plan: lessons from the UNESCO World Heritage Site
Catherine Dezio, Research Fellow for the “Fragile Territories” project at the DAStU – Politecnico di Milano, Professor of Urban Design at the Faculty of Architecture of the Politecnico di Milano

Recovery and conservation of Alpine wine landscapes
Bianca M. Seardo, Independent researcher, PhD Spatial planning and local development

Paolo Corbini, Director of the Città del Vino National Association

Curators and speakers:
Iole Piscolla Città del Vino National Association
Iole Piscolla, journalist and tourism and wine tourism technician, has carried out various projects for public bodies. She is Head of Tourism, Promotion and Events at the National Association Città del Vino.
Valeria Lingua University of Firenze
Valeria Lingua studied Urban Planning at the Polytechnic of Torino and "Amenagement" at the Institut d'Urbanisme de Paris of Paris XII University. In May 2005 she achieved her Ph.D. in Territorial Planning and Local Development at the Interateneo Territorio Department of the Politecnico di Torino. He currently teaches Territorial and Settlement Analysis in the Master's Degree Course in Architecture at the University of Firenze.
Floriano Zambon President of the National Association of Wine Cities
Manager in a mechanical industry, he decides to enter politics. In 2006 he became Vice President of the Province of Treviso with two consecutive mandates in Tourism and Traffic. In his administrative experience he was President of the Conference of Mayors ASL 7 (2000-2007) and is still President of the Eastern Veneto Optimal Area Authority (2000-2004), European President of the RECEVIN Wine Cities Network (2004 to date).
Davide Marino University of Molise
Member of the Board of Lecturers of the Doctorate in "Landscape and Environment" at La Sapienza University. He directed the Master in "Governance of protected natural areas" of the University of Molise, he is a member of several scientific societies and is a member of the Scientific Council of the Research Centre on Internal and Apennine Areas (Aria) and of the Fondazione Montagne Italia. He is the coordinator of several national and international research projects on urban agriculture, agricultural landscape, biodiversity, ecosystem services and environmental accounting.
Michele Manelli President of Soc. Agr. Salcheto
Since 2003 President and CEO ofSoc. Agr. Salcheto s.r.l, a wine company recognised as one of the national leaders in the field of sustainable production and also of its reference district in Tuscany. Since 2014 he has been Director and Vice President (since 2019) of Equalitas s.r.l. The company is a start-up in the world of sustainability certification for wine, owned by FederDoc, Unioneltaliana Vini, Gambero Rosso and CSQA-Valoritalia. Since 2014 it has been a member of the Consortium Wine PEF Pilot (Brussels, Belgium).
Sara Zambianchi Consultant at Azienda Agr. Zambianchi
She lives in Pietra dè Giorgi where the family business is located. She has a degree in Agricultural Science and Technology. She currently holds a PhD in Agrisystem with a focus on traceability along the wine production chain. She is a councillor in charge of Agriculture for the Municipality of Pietra dè Giorgi. She is Coordinator of the Wine Cities of Lombardy and Councillor of the Wine and Flavours Route of Oltrepò Pavese.
Catherine Dezio Polytechnic of Milano
Architect and PhD in Environment and Landscape, since 2012 she carries out research activities on territorial systems with a specific focus on agri-environmental issues. Since 2018 she has been Research Fellow for the project of the Department of Excellence "Fragile Territories", at the DAStU Politecnico di Milano, where she deals with slow tourism as a regeneration tool for the rural capital of the Inner Areas.
Antonio Fassone INU Piemonte
Antonio Fassone, architect and town planner is a member of the board of directors of INU Piemonte; he has worked and works on the planning or design of settlements and territories in the world of wine. He was a director of the municipality of Asti with roles of urban planning government, then board member of the CRT foundation, vice-president of OGR CRT and president of IVREA 24 ABITARE SOSTENIBILE operating in the field of social housing.
Bianca M. Seardo Study and research centre for mountain wine landscapes
PhD in Spatial Planning and Local Development, she has carried out research and teaching on landscape planning at the DIST-Politecnico di Torino. She currently develops research on traditional rural landscapes, directs the Study and Research Centre for mountain wine landscapes and is the owner of the farm "Figliej. Mountain viticulture" in Settimo Vittone (To).
Paolo Corbini Città del Vino Association
Professional journalist, editor at the Unità, he became Director of the magazine "Vino e Citta" and later of the periodical "Terre del Vino" published by Ci.Vin Srl, a publishing company in Siena. He is currently Communications Manager and Director at the National Association of Wine Cities and Wine Cities and Technical Director of the International Wine Competition "Città del Vino".
