Ennio Nonni, INU – URBIT; Diletta Marabini, Psychologist

The green in its many variations (from the roof garden to the urban forest) has for some years captured the attention of a large public.

Looking at the urban dimension, it is certain that the green is a driving force for the regeneration of the suburbs, for the fight against climate change, thus affecting public health and the well-being of daily life. The health of man and that of the planet is not indifferent to greenery in the city as nature constitutes that natural, additional and irreplaceable filter to absorb the effects of an evolution that is in continuous and unpredictable mutation. Cities and suburbs that are increasingly gray, lifestyles out of scale and in this precise historical moment also a growing feeling of loneliness and inadequacy of the technical disciplines, make it necessary to find a new balance to live a natural order.

The purpose, always having “green” as a goal, is to go beyond the design, technical, legislative, urban planning aspect (the effects) to address the topic in a circular sense, going to its roots.

How to find that natural space inside and out to live according to nature? How to rebuild together houses, cities and a new world that is human-sized? Where to start to ensure that balance between the built and natural environment through the visible dimension of urban green?

The aim of the conference is an interdisciplinary dialogue, which, setting aside the technicalities, leads to explore, from different qualified points of view, a new dimension of greenery based on a harmonious evolution that unites the interior space and the city.


Speech coordinators:
Ennio Nonni, Architect, INU – URBIT
Diletta Marabini, Psychologist

Invisible bonds: biology of kindness and kind cities
Daniel Lumera
, Sociobiologist, expert in wellness sciences

The reasons why it is necessary to build sustainable cities to be better citizens
Tommaso Perrone
, Director of some of the LifeGate newspapers

Andrea Branzi
, Architect and designer

Contemporary nature
Emanuele Coccia
, Philosopher, EHESS Paris teacher

Everything is connected: forests and community well-being
Giorgio Vacchiano
, University of Milan

The city in the countryside
Lucio Cavazzoni
, Sociologist, Goodland President

The value of interconnection: geology and sustainable cities
Gonzalo Rivas
, Scientific consultant, UNESCO Global Geopark

Public green in the city: heart therapy, social therapy
Padre Bernardo Gianni
, Abbott of San Miniato al Monte, Florence

Conclusion of the session:
Gianni Biagi, Director of URBIT

As part of the Urbanpromo Green event on the theme “Green area can cures”, an interview will be held with Immaculata De Vivo, professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and of Epidemiology at Harvard School of public Health, one of the world’s leading experts in the sector molecular epidemiology and cancer genetics. The interview focuses the scientist’s point of view on the close relationship between health and the environment, of which green is an irreplaceable component.