Gioia Gibelli, Luca Imberti, Sergio Malcevschi, Manifesto per il Po, Ludovica Ramella, AdbPo

The conference is dedicated to a discussion about the prospects of an articulated and complex planning for the territories of the Po to bring the environmental, social and economic value of the great river to the center of attention. The priority objectives respond to the need to protect natural resources, provide adequate tools to correctly address the governance of the territory from the point of view of the use of territorial resources, enhance local peculiarities, support virtuous initiatives, improve the dissemination of knowledge on the Po river and involve future generations in the growth of the places where they live.
A strategic approach that emerges from the territories and communities of the Po and is in alignment with European and national plans to cope with the changes taking place both globally and locally.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


9.30 am – Opening of the works:
Francesco Domenico Moccia, INU General Secretary

Introduces and coordinates:
Gioia Gibelli, Manifesto for the Po River

10.00 am – Interventions:

Meuccio Berselli, Po River District Basin Authority
Moreno Gasparini, Po Delta Park
Francesco Bove, Parco del Po Vercellese alessandrino
Roberto Saini, Turin Po Park
Lorenzo Fogliato, Reserve MAB Hill Po
Dario Zocco, Piedmont parks management body

11.00 a.m. – Interventions by subscribers to the Manifesto and participants

12.30 p.m. – Conclusions and resolutions of the Po River Manifesto

Curators and speakers:
Luca Imberti Manifesto per il Po
A freelance architect, he has worked on urban plans in various contexts, building projects and interventions and urban redevelopment. He was president of INU Lombardia, participating in the planning debate with interventions, articles and training courses. With Gioia Gibelli and Sergio Malcevschi he is the representative of the Manifesto per il Po, which he helped to promote.
Francesco Domenico Moccia INU
Former Full Professor of Urban Planning, INU Secretary General, responsible for the INU Urban Planning Literature Award, International Day of INU Studies, Academia publishing series. He publishes 12 monographs and edits 27 books, 136 contributions, 130 articles in magazines.
Meuccio Berselli Po River District Basin Authority
Geologist and General Secretary of the Po River District Basin Authority since July 2017, Member of the National Observatory on River Contracts. General Director of the Consorzio della Bonifica Parmense from 2011 to 2017 in which he conceived some important projects such as "DIFESA ATTIVA DELL'APPENNINO" and "S.O.S. BONIFICA" to protect the Apennine territory in order to mitigate the hydrogeological instability, through the active participation of the communities involved. From 2009 to 2010 he was President of the Provincial Council of the Province of Parma and from 1999 to 2009 Mayor of the Municipality of Mezzani.
