Giordana Ferri, FHS
Simona Giustino, CDPi
Luisa Ingaramo, Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
Stefano Stanghellini, INU
Bianca Anna Viarizzo, Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation

The opening conference of the 17th edition of Urbanpromo takes its name from the “Report on the investment of social infrastructure in Italy”, coordinated by Edoardo Reviglio and promoted by the Astrid Foundation and the Collegio Carlo Alberto Foundation of the Compagnia di San Paolo. The Report was born in the framework of the so-called Prodi report supported by the European Commission and ELTIA (European Long-Term Investors Association) and delivered to the Vice President of the European Commission Jyurki Katainen in January 2018. This is the result of an intense work of seven groups and about forty experts. Luisa Ingaramo, Giordana Ferri and Luca Talluri were part of the working group on the “home” infrastructure.
The conference follows and develops the initiative on the access to European funding held two years ago as part of Urbanpromo. The 2008-09 crisis was followed by a sharp drop in investments, which also affected investments in infrastructures relating to social services in sectors crucial for the future well-being of European citizens: health, education and sustainable construction.
With regard to Italy, the Report proposes the realization of an extraordinary plan to be implemented in 15 years at an estimated cost of about 150-200 billion for social infrastructures, a realistic and feasible forecast, with economic and social returns that would allow our country to manage some of the great challenges that await us. If the Plan were implemented within the time frame and at the costs estimated by the Report, Italy could have one of the best social infrastructure systems in Europe and in the world in the three major sectors that are at the center of our future, that of health, education and social housing.
In this context, the constitution of the National Committee for Social Housing takes on importance, which brings together the most representative subjects of the sector in order to put in place a common and shared planning capacity for the development of public-private partnership initiatives. The work of the conference will be fueled by the interventions of Research Institutes, social housing operators, leading exponents of foundations of banking origin, representatives of public institutions.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”


9.30 am: Start of work

9.30 am: Presentation of Urbanpromo 2020
Stefano Stanghellini, URBIT President

9.40 – 11.00 a.m. First part: The Report of the High-Level Task Force

Introduces and coordinates:
Paola Pierotti, PPAN

Report on social infrastructures in Italy: an overview
Edoardo Reviglio, European and International Projects Manager, CDP

Size of pre and post-emergency housing discomfort Covid-19. Numbers and reflections for a sector policy
Elena Molignoni, Head of Real Estate and Urban Strategies BU, Nomisma

The house in the crisis: what demand, what supply, what policy
Lorenzo Bellicini, Cresme Director

The Italian social housing system becomes synergic
Giordana Ferri, President of the National Committee for Social Housing

11.00 – 12.00: Second part: European financial resources

Livio Cassoli, Head of FIA and FIA2 Investment Management, CDPI SGR

Daria Ciriaci, European Affairs Manager, CDP
Michael Feith, European Commission
Angela Mancinelli, Head of the Infrastructure and Public Sector BEI Infrastructure Unit

12.00 – 13.30: Part Three: The actors’ point of view

Interventions by:
Carlo Cerami, Redo Spa Sgr President
Marco Doglio, Chief Real Estate CDP and Managing Director CDP Investimenti Sgr
Francesco Abba Legnazzi, FHS President
Cristina Giovando, Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT President
Francesco Profumo, Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation President
Rossana Zaccaria, Legacoop Abitanti President
Luca Talluri, Federcasa President

Paola De Michelis, Minister of Infrastructure and Transport
Stefano Bolognini, Councillor for Social, Housing and Disability Policies, Lombardy Region
Fabio Carosso, Vice-President and Councillor for Urban Planning, Piedmont Region

Conclusion of works

Curators and speakers:
Giordana Ferri Executive Director of FHS
Since 2008 she has been Executive Director of FHS for which she designs the concepts of new residential interventions and the tools for the development and management of collaborative social housing. She participates in national and international conferences. She has published books and contributions in Italian and foreign trade magazines. In 2017 she curated the exhibition New Urban Body experiences of urban generation at the Triennale di Milano. The exhibition NUB received the mention INDEX Compasso d'oro 2018.
Stefano Stanghellini INU - URBIT
Architect, former President of the Inu and Full Professor of Estimo at the Iuav University of Venezia, he has directed his most recent work on the multidimensional feasibility of urban projects.
Bianca Anna Viarizzo Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation
Project Coordinator at the Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation. She is responsible for the project area "Urban and Social Regeneration", particularly for impact monitoring and evaluation, working with national and international organizations, such as Social Value Italia, Social Impact Agenda, European Foundation Centre - Funders' Forum Sustainable Cities.
Paola Pierotti PPAN
Architect and journalist, she is a member of PPAN communication and networking for the built environment. PPAN works with public and private clients to develop and coordinate communication and publishing plans. She has designed and coordinates the two newspapers thebrief and Pantografo Magazine.
Elena Molignoni Real Estate and Urban Strategies BU, Nomisma
An economist of the territory, she has gained experience in analysis and consultancy in the real estate sector by deepening the interrelationships between the market and urban planning. Head of the Real Estate and Urban Strategies Business Unit of Nomisma and Coordinator of the four-monthly magazine of the Observatory on the Real Estate Market. She carries out training activities, writes articles for sector magazines and participates in conferences and sector meetings as a speaker.
Livio Cassoli CDP Investimenti SGR
Head of the Fondo Investimenti per l'Abitare (to which the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group's national social housing programme refers), which it has helped to develop since 2012 (the year it joined CDPI SGR). Over twenty years of experience in the Italian real estate sector.
Daria Ciriaci CDP
She presently serves as Vice President for European Affairs at CDP and, since November 2019, as Vice President of the European Long-Term Investor Association (ELTIa). Before joining CDP, she had a long and successful career at the European Commission, as economic counsellor at the EC Representation to Italy and as economist at the DG for Economic and Financial Affairs, and several experiences as senior consultant and professor. She holds a Ph.D in Economics.
Michael Feith European Commission
Michael Feith is a policy officer at the European Commission, where he deals with financing programs for infrastructure and services. He specializes in the social infrastructure area. His main areas of work are the implementation of the Investment Plan for Europe (“Juncker-Plan”) and the set-up of the new “InvestEU” programme, where he especially deals with the “Social Window.
Angela Mancinelli Infrastructure and Public Sector BEI Infrastructure Unit
She holds an Economics and Finance degree and pursued her post-graduate studies in Corporate Finance. She worked in the banking sector in New York and pursuing studies in international relations and diplomacy. She joined the EIB in 2006 as loan officer in the bank and corporate sector. In 2011, she moved to the Rome Office as responsible for the energy sector lending. She was subsequently appointed Head of Unit in charge of lending to infrastructure projects and public sector in Italy and Malta.
Francesco Profumo Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
Francesco Profumo has been President of ACRI ( Associazione di Fondazioni e di Casse di Risparmio SPA) since May 2019, President of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation since May 2016, President of the Collège des Ingégenieurs since July 2014, President of the ESCP Business School since September 2014, President of the Bruno Kessler Foundation since December 2014. Full Professor of Electrical Machinery and Drives at the Polytechnic of Torino and Professor at the University of Bologna.
Luca Talluri Federcasa
President of Federcasa. Degree in Environmental and Resources Engineering from the University of Florence. He has worked as a freelancer with companies involved in the design and implementation of plants for the production of energy from renewable sources, dealing with fire prevention design, quality and environmental management systems, reclamation design, noise pollution, safety on construction sites.
