Francesco Domenico Moccia, INU General secretary, Valter Fabietti, Università G. D’Annunzio, L. Di Ludovico

The National Institute of Urban Planning (INU) has always worked on issues related to environmental, economic and social fragility, making its own the challenges of development, equity, adaptation, innovation and prevention. In addition, the Institute, within the Study Day, the National Urban Planning Review and the Urbanpromo events, organizes every year sections dedicated to these issues to make known the results of the researches and in-depth analyzes elaborated by the members of the INU in collaboration with public research institutions and national and international universities.
During its 90 years of life, the INU has directed its elaboration to find the urban planning tools suitable to solve the emerging problems of the country and has focused, from time to time, on a prevailing theme. In the immediate postwar period, there was a need to rebuild a country and accompany it towards modernity, thinking about economic development and the governance of its induced effects on the territory. Starting from the 1970s, the reformist urban planning that accompanies housing policies and urban planning standards became established. In the second half of the 1980s, awareness of environmental criticalities is becoming more and more widespread and a long process of elaboration is started to make the urban organization move towards sustainability. These prevalences are never absolute and the themes are intertwined and prolonged from one phase to another, so that today they all appear together as the great cultural heritage of the INU available to face the future of the country.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.



Luana Di Lodovico, University of L’Aquila


Housing policy in reformist urban planning
Silvia Saccomanni, Politecnico di Torino

Housing policy and the INU
Laura Pogliani, Politecnico di Milano

Current urban planning standards
Costanza Pera, former Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport

The INU and the new standards
Carolina Giaimo, Polytechnic University of Torino

Charter of participation and civic empowerment
Donatella Venti, Manager, Province of Terni

Public space charter and social interaction
Marichela Sepe, CNR Researcher


Valter Fabietti, G. D’Annunzio University

Risk prevention
Roberto De Marco, former Director of the Seismic Service of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers

Vulnerability analysis and routine planning
Irene Cremonini, Manager, Emilia-Romagna Region

Vulnerability research
Grazia Brunetta, Polytechnic of Turino

Territorial inequalities in post-event reconstruction
Alfiero Moretti, Civil Defence Umbria Region

Hydrogeological risk and land maintenance: the state of the art
Massimo Bastiani, National Table Coordinator River Contracts

Soil consumption and territorial fragility
Andrea Arcidiacono, Politecnico di Milano

Strategic framework and post-seismic reconstruction
Massimo Sargolini, University of Camerino

Trends in soil consumption
Michele Munafò, ISPRA

Resilience and fragility
Carlo Gasparrini, University of Napoli “Federico II”

Conclusion of works

Curators and speakers:
Former Full Professor of Urban Planning, INU Secretary General, responsible for the INU Urban Planning Literature Award, International Day of INU Studies, Academia publishing series. He publishes 12 monographs and edits 27 books, 136 contributions, 130 articles in magazines.
Valter Fabietti G. D'Annunzio University
Full Professor of Urban Planning Technique at the Department of Architecture - University of Chieti - Pescara. Consultant for public bodies and service companies. Expert in the analysis and evaluation of intervention programmes, with particular reference to areas at environmental risk.
Luana Di Lodovico University of L'Aquila
Engineer and PhD ICAR -20. She carries out an intense professional and research activity collaborating with public institutions in the field of urban planning and design. She is currently Vice President of the INU Abruzzo/Molise section.
Laura Pogliani Polytechnic of Milano
Associate Professor of Urban Planning at DAStU Politecnico di Milano. Member of the scientific editorial staff of Urban Planning since 2013, Lombard vice-president of INU and coordinator of the Community 'Policies and services for social housing'.
Costanza Pera Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport
Architect, student of Ludovico Quaroni. In 1984 she wrote "Making peace with nature", five liberal theses for the environment, the result of contributions by Paolo Baffi, Arturo Osio, Aurelio Peccei and Fulco Pratesi. Since 1986, she has worked as Director General first at the Ministry of the Environment, and then at the Ministry of LLPP/Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, both as Chief of Cabinet.
CAROLINA GIAIMO Polytechnic of Torino
Architect, Associate Professor of Urban Planning at the Dist/Politecnico and University of Turin. Member of the Governing Council and National Executive Council of the INU, Member of the Board of Urbit, Coordinator of the Community "Research and experimentation new standards", Vice-President of the INU Piemonte and VdA Section, Member of the Scientific Editorial Board of Urban Planning.
Donatella Venti Province of Terni
Donatella Venti, Architect, expert in participatory processes, territorial and landscape planning; from 1994 to 2019 she was in charge of the National Commission then Community "Governance and citizens' rights - Participation". She has been a member of the National Board and the National Council of the INU.
Marichela Sepe CNR
Marichela Sepe is a researcher at ISMED of the CNR in Naples. Graduated in Architecture and specialized in urban design, she is a professor on contract in Urban Planning and has been a member of the Teachers' College of the Doctorate in Urban Design and Urban Planning. She is a member of the INU Board of Directors and vice-president of the Campania section.
GRAZIA BRUNETTA Polytechnic of Torino
Full Professor of Urban Planning at DIST - Polytechnic of Torino and Director of the Interdepartmental Responsible Risk Resilience Centre - R3C. Since 2015 he has been coordinating national and international research groups on the theme of resilience in territorial governance.
Alfiero Moretti Civil Protection Umbria Region
Architect, he has over twenty years experience in the management of seismic events and subsequent post-earthquake reconstructions. He has held the positions of Director General of the Municipality of Foligno, Director of the Commissioner's Structure in Emilia Romagna, Director of Civil Protection of the Umbria Region, Coordinator of USR Umbria and Director of the Umbria Region.
Massimo Bastiani National Table Coordinator River Contracts
Architect, he has more than ten years experience in the field of planning, evaluation and sustainable management of environmental resources and participatory governance of river basins and sub-basins, since the early 90s, as coordinator and expert in European and national research projects. He has carried out university teaching activities. In 2013 he won the INU (Istituto Nazionale di Urbanistica) Urban Planning and Literature Award.
Andrea Arcidiacono Polytechnic of Milano
Associate Professor at DAStU Department, Politecnico di Milano. He is National Vice President of the INU. He carries out research activities in the field of urban and landscape planning. He is author of over 120 essays published in national and international journals and monographs.
Michele Munafò ISPRA
ISPRA manager and scientific responsible for national reports on soil consumption. Land Use and Land Cover contact person of the European Environment Agency and coordinator of Remtech's Rigeneracity scientific committee. Professor at the Sapienza University of Roma.
