Pierluigi Properzi, INU – Urbit
Pierluigi Mantini,
Legal Advisor Extraordinary Commissioner 2016 Earthquake Reconstruction

The Extraordinary Commissioner of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for Post-Earthquake Reconstruction 2016-2017 found himself facing both the delays in the reconstruction processes, also deriving from the complex morphological and socio-economic nature of the intervention areas, and the problems caused by the spread of coronavirus on the slowdown in local economies.
In the first instance, the Commissioner intervened with the streamlining of the practices relating to material reconstruction (ordinance no. 106 Guidelines) and with the construction of a new unitary vision to guide the development processes. The development processes are the prerequisite for reconnecting a vast area to the various regional economies that is characterized by the presence of contexts characterized by a marked differentiation in relation to marginality and abandonment, but also in relation to a heritage of historical, artistic and natural resources. cultural heritage which is very relevant, with numerous small and medium art cities and three national parks.
The conference is divided into a presentation session of the activities carried out so far by the Technical Structure of the Commissioner and a round table in which the Presidents of the Regions concerned and territorial experts address the unprecedented theme of a Programming-Planning of a Vast Area of the Recovery funds. Plan in a context of Reconstruction.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


Opening of the works:
Giovanni Legnini, Extraordinary Commissioner for Reconstruction 2016
Stefano Boeri, President of the Fondazione Triennale Milano

The Recovery Plan in the context of Reconstruction. A new normative dimension
Pierluigi Mantini, Legal Advisor to the Extraordinary Commissioner for Earthquake Reconstruction 2016

Social well-being between security and innovation
Romano Roberto Benini, La Sapienza University of Rome

Programming on the borders: Frames and Contests
Pierluigi Properzi, INU – URBIT

Round Table:

The restart of Central Italy, reconstruction and Recovery Plan

Fabrizio Curcio, President of the Council/Department Home Italy

Guido Liris, Councillor for the Abruzzo Region

Guido Castelli, Councillor for the Marche Region

Donatella Tesei, President of Umbria Region

Claudio Di Bernardino, Councillor for the Lazio Region

Andrea Nuzzi, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Giovanni Legnini, Extraordinary Commissioner for Earthquake Reconstruction 2016

Alessia Morani, Undersecretary Ministry of Economic Development

Curators and speakers:
Giovanni Legnini Extraordinary Commissioner for Reconstruction 2016
Lawyer, elected Senator from 2004 to 2013 and then Member of Parliament until 2014. He was appointed Undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council in 2013 and Undersecretary of the Economy and Finance in 2014. Vice President of the Superior Council of the Judiciary from 2014 to 2018. In 2020, he is appointed by the Prime Minister as Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government for post-earthquake reconstruction 2016-2017 in the Regions of Abruzzo, Marche, Lazio and Umbria.
Stefano Boeri Fondazione Triennale Milano
Architect and urban planner, Full Professor at Politecnico di Milano, he teaches as visiting professor at several international universities. Stefano Boeri Architetti's work ranges from the production of urban visions and architecture to design, with a constant focus on the geopolitical and environmental implications of contemporary phenomena. His focus on the relationship between the city and nature led in 2014 to the creation of the Vertical Forest of Milan, which houses over 21 thousand plants.
Guido Quintino Liris Abruzzo Region
He has held the institutional positions of Councillor of the Province of L'Aquila, Councillor and Deputy Mayor of the Municipality of L'Aquila with proxy for public works, and is currently Councillor of the Abruzzo Region with proxy for the Budget, Internal and Crater Areas, Restart Programming, Sport and Sports Facilities, Accounting, Heritage, ERP, Information Technology, Territorial Knowledge Systems, Personnel and Management Control.
Andrea Nuzzi Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Currently, Head of Corporate and Financial Institutions at CDP and member of the Board of Directors of Sace Fct and Sace BT. Previously, Senior Engagement Manager at McKinsey & Co, Member of the Board of Experts of the Treasury Department and Head of Corporate&Investment Banking at Banca Popolare di Bari.
