Angioletta Voghera, INU Community Landscape and biodiversity

The conference discusses the results of the implementation of the European Landscape Convention twenty years after its introduction in the European context. The recent landscape planning season and the ongoing experiments introduce new analysis and design tools, towards overcoming the only regulatory approach for the construction of more effective design actions.
The approved landscape plans and those in progress offer ideas for moving from the “paper landscape” to the concrete implementation of the landscape action in the territories. In this context, the Conference reflects in particular on some issues of landscape action: agriculture, forests, risk and reconstruction, nature and biodiversity, ecosystem services, the relationship between regional and local policies, methodological and design experiments.

If you are interested to participate at the development of the program of this conference, you can leave us a comment or a suggestion in the following section “contributions”.


Landscape issues
Angioletta Voghera, INU Community Landscape and biodiversity

Regional landscape policies. The PPTR of Puglia
Angela Barbanente, Polytechnic University of Bari

Ecosystem services and the green network in the Lombardy plan
Andrea Arcidiacono, Politecnico di Milano, INU Vice President

Forests in Sardinia’s PPR
Marcello Airi, Forestas Agency

The rural landscape in the Lazio plain
Anna Laura Palazzo, University of Roma Tre

Landscape and reconstruction
Massimo Sargolini, University of Camerino

Landscape, common goods for local action in the Calabria Plan
Franco Rossi, INU Calabria, Massimo Zupi, University of Calabria

Experiments for the project. The Abruzzo plan
Piero Properzi, President INU Abruzzo

The relationship with urban landscape planning
Sandro Fabbro, President INU Friuli-Venezia Giulia

The process of adapting the Piedmont plan
Giovanni Paludi, Piemonte Region

The implementation of the Tuscany Plan
Emanuela Morelli, Antonella Valentini, University of Firenze

Michele Talia, INU President

Curators and speakers:
ANGIOLETTA VOGHERA Polytechnic of Torino
Full Professor of Urban Planning, DIST, Politecnico di Torino, WPCA member of IUCN and IUCN Green list, coordinates the INU Community "Landscape and Biodiversity".
Angela Barbanente Polytechnic University of Bari
She teaches Territorial Planning and directs the Master in Territorial and Environmental Planning at the Politecnico di Bari. She has been Councillor for Territorial Quality of the Apulia Region and in this capacity she has promoted the approval of the Territorial Landscape Plan and organic standards for sustainable living, urban regeneration and public and social housing.
Andrea Arcidiacono Polytechnic of Milano, INU
Associate Professor at DAStU Department, Politecnico di Milano. He is National Vice President of the INU. He carries out research activities in the field of urban and landscape planning. He is author of over 120 essays published in national and international journals and monographs.
Marcello Airi Forestas Agency
Forestry, practising as a freelance professional until 2008 and returning to Sardinia to work as an official in the Technical Service of the General Management of the Regional Agency FoReSTAS. He is currently Head of the Forestry Planning and Monitoring Office and Agency Contact for the "Rural Landscapes of Sardinia" project coordinated by the Regional Landscape Observatory.
Anna Laura Palazzo Roma Tre University
Full Professor of Urban Planning at the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre University. Coordinator of the doctorate "Landscapes of the contemporary city". Her research interests concern heritage and landscape, regional planning, urban regeneration, local development.
MASSIMO SARGOLINI University of Camerino
Professor of Urban Planning at the School of Architecture and Design "E.Vittoria" of the University of Camerino. Director of the Master in "Interior Areas. Strategies of rebirth after natural disaster". Scientific coordinator of the REDI Consortium (REducing risks of natural DIsaster). Co-director of the International Research Centre "Landscape, Environment and Territory". (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna of Pisa and University of Camerino).
Massimo Zupi University of Calabria
Engineer, Phd in "Environmental Planning", Researcher in Technology and Urban Planning at the DIAM of the University of Calabria. He deals with territorial government, with particular attention to policies for the city, landscape enhancement, local development in weak contexts.
Sandro Fabbro INU Friuli-Venezia Giulia
Sandro Fabbro is professor of urban planning and territorial planning in the degree courses in architecture and civil engineering at the University of Udine. He is currently President of the INU Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Giovanni Paludi Piemonte Region
Giovanni Paludi, architect, manager of the Regional Territory and Landscape Sector of the Piemonte Region, is responsible for territorial government, territorial and landscape planning, and landscape management and enhancement. He coordinated the drafting of the Territorial Plan and the Regional Landscape Plan.
Emanuela Morelli University of Firenze
Emanuela Morelli is Associate Professor in Landscape Architecture at DIDA - University of Florence. In 2019 she became editor in chief of “Ri-Vista. Research for Landscape Architecture”, DIDA UNIFI Scientific Journal. She conducts scientific research and has published many works on Landscape Architecture.
Antonella Valentini University of Firenze
Architect, PhD in landscape design. She carries out teaching and research activities at the University of Firenze. She exercises professional activity in the field of landscape planning and design. She has participated in the formation of the Landscape Plan of the Tuscany Region 2015 and the PIT 2005.
Roberto Banchini MIBACT
Architect. Director Serv. Landscape Protection - General Management ABAP- MiBACT. Former Superintendent of Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the provinces of Reggio Calabria and Vibo Valentia and Superintendent of Fine Arts and Landscape of the Municipality of Rome. Professor of "Environmental Restoration" - University of Reggio Calabria (2000-2012), currently Professor of "Landscape Protection" - School of Specialization in Architectural Heritage and Landscape, University of Rome "La Sapienza".
Michele Talia INU
Michele Talia is full professor of Urban Planning at the School of Architecture and Design of the University of Camerino. As a public administration consultant he has coordinated the design groups of the Structural Plan and Urban Regulations of the Municipality of Siena and the Strategic Plan of the Province of Teramo.
