Carolina Giaimo, Patrizia Lombardi, Laura Fregolent, Stefano Stanghellini

The Conference develops will investigate the relationship between the University and the urban reference systems from three perspectives. The first one is internal. It concerns how a sustainable campus is planned and which models of spatial, environmental, technological and energy structure the campus can have. A second point of view is internal and investigates the synergies between universities and the urban system in terms of the ability to trigger complex processes of regeneration of urban fabrics and the creation of new economies. The third perspective is transversal and develops the University’s relationship with institutions, bodies, associations, companies, businesses and its impact on the economic-social and territorial aspects.

The event is organized in collaboration with RUS – Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile as part of the pre-festival of ASVIS – Alleanza per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile


Greetings from representatives of the institutions:
Alberto Ferlenga, Rector of Iuav University of Venice

UP Green inauguration:
2020 edition
S. Stanghellini,

Opening of the convention:
The reasons of this topic and the connection with Urbanpromo Green
C. Giaimo,
 INU – URBIT, Polytechnic University of Turin

Central speech:
The role of Universities in building the transformative resilience of territories
Patrizia Lombardi,
 RUS President

–  Sustainable campus

The session intends to deepen the policies and practices implemented by different universities in terms of sustainability. This refers to a series of actions that include process management, purchasing and consumption practices, interventions and design solutions aimed at saving resources, reducing climate-altering emissions and promoting inclusion processes. This ensures that universities are places where is possible to activate concrete practices of sustainability and to promote a culture that is attentive to the environment, to the resources and the well-being of individuals.

Laura Fregolent, Iuav University of Venice
Francesco Marangon, University of Udine
Carmine Trecroci, University of Brescia

–  University as a driving force of urban regeneration

The session intends to deepen the relationships that universities activate within the territory. Through the localization of offices and laboratories, universities play a key role in the regeneration of degraded areas of cities, not only from the point of view of the requalification of the existing building and architectural heritage, but also in terms of improving social distress, activating mechanisms of enhancement of cultural and environmental resources, triggering of virtuous economic processes and participation of the inhabitants in the governance of the territory.

Marta Bottero and Grazia Brunetta, Polytechnic University of Turin
Nicola Martinelli and Michele Dassisti, Polytechnic University of Bari
Simone Bastianoni, University of Siena

–  University and strategic calling from city and territory

The session intends to deepen the theme of transformative resilience that distinguishes this historical period throughout society. Territories are the place where these transformations take place and knowledge represents a fundamental element. All those things put the university on the front line of change, emphasizing its role and responsibility, also in partnership with institutions, organizations, associations, companies, businesses according to the well-known five-helix model.

Gabriella Calvano, University of Bari Aldo Moro
Paolo Zanenga, Diotima, C-School
Egidio Dansero, University of Turin

Enrico Giovannini, ASVIS Spokesperson
Michele Talia, INU President