Redevelopment and revaluation of Bolzano city centre

The WaltherPark project consists in the creation of a shopping centre, apartments, offices, parks, car parks, a hotel and much more in the centre of Bolzano. This project will bring to life a new and modern mobility system and concept, create variety of infrastructure as well as urban solutions, new bicycle paths, pedestrian and green areas that will replace roads, redevelop the area and establish a new destination point for Bolzano.

This project is located on a 15,000 m2 surface area near the railway station, which for years has been a run-down and little frequented area of Bolzano, will be…

Geological & Mining Park’s active mobility plan

The network of active mobility routes identified for the Geological & Mining Park plan is composed of a multimodal system (hiking, cycle tourism, combination of cycling and train travel). This ensures the enjoyment of and sustainable access, at the regional level, to the natural, historical and environmental heritage to be explored within the Park’s eight areas. These areas are physically connected making it possible to travel from one to the other despite their being situated in different parts of the island.

Planning a network of this kind involves providing a non-traditional interpretation of the places to be visited, in other…


Iginio Rossi, Francesco Sbetti, INU – URBIT

The health emergency has overturned the structure of mobility, especially the urban one. Public transport fails to adequately meet demand, the increase in car transport generates negative environmental and health impacts, the use of “soft” modes is slowed down by the lack of specific infrastructures. Many indications in the different administrative levels are manifesting themselves in the direction of interventions capable of responding to the new context such as the visions of cities that re-interpret the urban plan starting from the construction of Transit-oriented development neighborhoods (TOD born in nineties in the…