New frontier technologies for well-being in places of life

Is it possible to obtain certain and continuous information that allows us to understand the dynamics of the context of places of life in relation to real individual needs?

Is it possible to evaluate and decide on interventions and modulate services on the basis of a personal digital identity that contains a person’s actual habits and individual inclinations? Can we ensure that the processes of gathering this information and its evaluation are autonomous, reliable and continuous?

HALLESS has answered these questions by creating WCONNEX, a platform of services based on new generation technologies such as Internet of Things, Advanced Data Analysis…

In March 2019, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation launched the ioabitosocial platform dedicated to the search for temporary social housing solutions in Italy:

The ioabitosocial platform is an opportunity to network, linking the ever-increasing demand of people looking for short term housing solutions with the offer of the many “temporary housing” managers in Italy. It is aimed at people in a stressful housing situation, students, travelling professionals, city users, elderly people, young couples.
The aim of the platform is to facilitate the search for temporary housing solutions through geolocation and identification of needs and requirements, making existing Social Housing…


Elisa Saggiorato, Luisa Ingaramo, Doriana Piazza , Isabella Brossa, Katiuscia Greganti

The seminar is structured in three moments and aims to deepen the theme “Social Housing and Covid-19”, with the aim of bringing out what happened in the different territories, what changes and opportunities have been generated in the internal and external communities of the interventions of Social Housing and how to follow it up.
In the first front part, some experts will address the issue of how “living” was perceived during the Covid-19 period and then they will move on to a comparison- which takes place in an active…