Iginio Rossi, Francesco Sbetti, INU – URBIT

The health emergency has overturned the structure of mobility, especially the urban one. Public transport fails to adequately meet demand, the increase in car transport generates negative environmental and health impacts, the use of “soft” modes is slowed down by the lack of specific infrastructures. Many indications in the different administrative levels are manifesting themselves in the direction of interventions capable of responding to the new context such as the visions of cities that re-interpret the urban plan starting from the construction of Transit-oriented development neighborhoods (TOD born in nineties in the…


Iginio Rossi, Francesco Sbetti, INU – URBIT

Mobility after the Coronavirus: cities are starting to function again, but mass public transport cannot meet the demand for mobility due to widespread limitations and mobility on private vehicles generates congestion and air pollution which is becoming one of the factors that further favors the spread of the infection. On the other hand, it became clear that there are ways of working and training that do not require moving from home or at least do not always require it in principle. A strategic space opens up for soft mobility, which Administrations can consolidate…