Mitigazione e adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici: percorsi microclimatici negli spazi urbani

English version available soon

In fase di formazione del quadro conoscitivo diagnostico del nuovo piano urbanistico comunale è stato affrontato il tema della mitigazione ed adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici i cui effetti principali sono le onde di calore, le intense precipitazioni meteoriche ed il riscaldamento globale. Nello specifico, con l’obiettivo di incrementare la vivibilità urbana contrastando il fenomeno delle onde di calore, l’analisi dei tessuti del centro urbano e di alcune frazioni maggiori ha evidenziato la opportunità di individuare percorsi dedicati alla mobilità dolce per raggiungere luoghi di interesse (servizi primari, parchi urbani) opportunamente mitigati con l’utilizzo…


The Urban Planning Prize, now in its fourteenth edition, is awarded to the projects exhibited in the previous edition of Urbanpromo. The projects awarded in the 2020 edition were chosen from those exhibited in the multimedia Gallery and in the exhibition held in Turin at the Nuvola Lavazza through the vote expressed by the visitors of Urbanpromo during the event.
From the 2016 edition, the projects are evaluated with reference to the following contents, identified by the magazine’s Director to highlight the most important issues of contemporary urban planning: new ways of living and producing; environmental, economic and social regeneration;…


Giuseppe De Luca, INU – URBIT

Reading proposal is a container for reflection by Urbanpromo Libri in which are presented and discussed some volumes published in 2020, which cross the themes of planning and urbanism treated in the words of some authors.
The container is divided into two sections: “Dialogue” and “Comparison”.

For the “Dialogue” section the books that will be presented and discussed are:

– Ismael Blanco, Oriol Nel.lo, Quartieri e crisi. Dinamiche di segregazione urbana e pratiche di innovazione sociale in Catalogna, INU Edizioni, Roma 2020

–  Francesca Cognetti, Daniela Gambino, Jacopo Lareno Faccini, Periferie del cambiamento, traiettorie di rigenerazione tra…


Filippo Magni, Francesco Musco, Iuav University of Venice

Climate change has now been unanimously defined as one of the most problematic scientific and political issues of the 21st century. In the last two decades, there has been a growing interest in the role of both national and local government bodies within climate governance processes. Global experiences and industry literature have identified compelling possibilities for climate governance through experimentation with innovative urban planning processes and tools, which promise to advance the global climate response, despite international political stagnation.
With this in mind, the session aims to contribute to the debate…