Giuseppe De Luca, INU – URBIT

Reading proposal is a container for reflection by Urbanpromo Libri in which are presented and discussed some volumes published in 2020, which cross the themes of planning and urbanism treated in the words of some authors.
The container is divided into two sections: “Dialogue” and “Comparison”.

For the “Dialogue” section the books that will be presented and discussed are:

– Ismael Blanco, Oriol Nel.lo, Quartieri e crisi. Dinamiche di segregazione urbana e pratiche di innovazione sociale in Catalogna, INU Edizioni, Roma 2020

–  Francesca Cognetti, Daniela Gambino, Jacopo Lareno Faccini, Periferie del cambiamento, traiettorie di rigenerazione tra marginalità e innovazione, Quodlibet, Macerata 2020


Introduces and coordinates:
Giuseppe De Luca, University of Florence, President of INU Edizioni

Session A – 2.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m.

Districts and crises. Dynamics of urban segregation and social innovation practices in Catalonia, INU Editions, Rome 2020

Francesco Indovina, IUAV
Arnaldo “Bibo” Cecchini, University of Sassari
Francesco Domenico Moccia, University “Federico II” of Napoli, Director of the series “Accademia”.
Angelino Mazza, PhD of the Lupt Centre, University “Federico II” of Napoli, Capacity building at the Basilicata Region
Raffaele Paciello, Public Policy Reputation Expert, Director of the “Regioni di Tria” series of the LUPT Centre, University “Federico II” of Napoli

The author will be present: Oriol Nel.lo.

Curators and speakers:
Giuseppe De Luca INU Edizioni
Full Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the Department of Architecture at the University of Florence. He was Secretary of the Tuscany Section. He directed the Giovanni Astengo Foundation and was Secretary General of INU. He has held the position of President of INU Edizioni. He is interested in regional and wide area planning.
Francesco Domenico Moccia University of Napoli "Federico II"
Director of the "Academy" series of INU Edizioni. President of INU Campania. Member of the Scientific Committee of Urban Planning. Member of the scientific committee of the editorial series: Territory and Urban Areas, ed. Liguori; Territory Government and Urban Project, ed. ESI; Abitare il futuro, ed. Clean. He was Vice President of Metrex, Association of European Metropolitan Areas, from May 2009 to 2011.
Francesco Indovina Iuav University of Venezia
He teaches Territorial Analysis and Planning at the IUAV University of Venice and at the Faculty of Architecture in Alghero. He has always promoted an interdisciplinary approach to studies on the city and the territory, combined with a strong civil commitment. He is author of numerous volumes and essays, and editor of the magazines Archivio di studi urbani e regionali e Economia urbana - Oltre il Ponte.
Arnaldo Cecchini University of Sassari
He is Director of the Inter-University Laboratory of Analysis and Models for Planning (LAMP); scientific and honorary member of CIDEC (Centro de Investigación y Documentación sobre problemas de Economía, el Empleo y las Cualificaciones Profesionales) in San Sebastián (Spain); President of the Italian Society of Simulation Games (SIGIS).
Angelino Mazza Basilicata Region
He is currently a full member of the Committee for the implementation of the Agreement between the University of Napoli Federico II (LUPT Centre) and the Università Politecnica de Madrid (DUyOT) and of the Agreement between the University of Naples Federico II (LUPT Centre) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Dep. Geografia). He also works as an expert in planning and capacity building for the Basilicata Region.
Oriol Nel.lo Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
Trained at UAB (PhD in Geography) and Johns Hopkins University (Master in International Affairs). He is currently the scientific coordinator of the GURB (Grupo de Estudios sobre Energía, Territorio y Sociedad) of the UAB. Former Secretary General of Planning of the Catalan Autonomous Community.
Raffaele Paciello Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale
Member of the European Communication Research and Education Association. Former Director of the Institutional Relations and Stakeholder Governance Unit of the LUPT Centre of the University of Napoli Federico II, he currently directs the series of international studies "Regioni di TRIA" and works as an expert for the Ministry of the Environment and the Italian Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale.
