Proposte di lettura is a reflection container of Urbanpromo Libri in which are presented and discussed some volumes published during 2020, which cross the themes of planning and urban planning dealt with the words of some authors. The container is divided into two sections: “Dialogue” and “Comparison”.

For the “Dialogue” Section the book that will be presented and discussed is:

– Francesca Cognetti, Daniela Gambino, Jacopo Lareno Faccini, Periferie del cambiamento, traiettorie di rigenerazione tra marginalità e innovazione, Quodlibet, Macerata 2020

The book explores the meaning and role of the urban suburbs in the contemporary city, starting from a research and activation experience that has lasted over two years in different districts of Milan. Starting from a practical and theoretical reflection on collaborative territorial investigation, as a tool for the construction of local and participatory knowledge, the volume explores three paradigmatic territories: the Adriano district, a suburb of the great unfinished urban expansions, the Corvetto district, a historic public housing suburb on the agricultural edges of the city, and Via Padova, a suburb with a dense private housing fabric characterized by the phenomenon of immigration. Three explorations that put at work different perspectives – spatial and urban, anthropological and social – to interpret the complexity of the city, the different ways of living in it and the possible trajectories of transformation.


Introduces and coordinates:
Giuseppe De Luca, University of Firenze, President of INU Edizioni

Suburbs of change, regeneration trajectories between marginality and innovation

Gianni Biondillo, Architect and writer
Giovanni Laino, University of Napoli “Federico II”

The authors will be present:
Francesca Cognetti, Polytechnic of Milano
Daniela Gambino, Polytechnic of Milano
Jacopo Lareno Faccini, Dastu Polytechnic of Milano and member of Codici Ricerca e Intervento

Giuseppe De Luca, INU Edizioni President 

Curators and speakers:
Giuseppe De Luca INU Edizioni
Full Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the Department of Architecture at the University of Florence. He was Secretary of the Tuscany Section. He directed the Giovanni Astengo Foundation and was Secretary General of INU. He has held the position of President of INU Edizioni. He is interested in regional and wide area planning.
Gianni Biondillo Writer and architect
Biondillo: Italian writer and architect. As an author and essayist he has dealt with genre fiction, psychogeography, architecture, travel, eros, fairy tales. He writes for cinema, theatre and television, and publishes in national newspapers and magazines.
Giovanni Laino University of Napoli Federico II
Full Professor of Spatial Planning in the Department of Architecture of the University of Napoli Federico II. Social planner has been working for forty years on programmes to protect and access the rights of children and young people in neighbourhoods in serious difficulty.
Francesca Cognetti Polytechnic of Milano
Urbanist and Associate Professor in Urban Planning and Technology at the Politecnico di Milano. He curated with Anna Delera "For rent. Politiche e progetti per la casa accessibile a Milano".
Daniela Gambino Polytechnic of Milano
Architect and town planner. She collaborates with various research activities at the Politecnico di Milano. For Quodlibet she is co-author of the book "Quando l'autostrada non basta" (2013).
Jacopo Lareno Faccini Polytechnic of Milano
Urbanist, researcher and member of the Codici, Ricerca e Intervento cooperative, he collaborates in various research activities at the Politecnico di Milano. He has experimented in the field participatory approaches to urban regeneration.
