Abito in Community (Community Living), supported by Fondazione CR Firenze through the call Fai la Casa Giusta, is a cooperative social housing model aimed at generating value for its residents and the city, through constant dialogue with local institutions and the design of concrete urban regeneration and welfare solutions.

Through a dynamic, open and inclusive approach, the project implements two complementary actions: 1. the start up of a collaborative neighborhood model through a community building program and the co-designing of spaces, functions and collaborative services. 2. The inclusion of innovative housing solutions for vulnerable groups – such as children in alternative care, persons in recovery from mental illness or in a temporary socio-economic fragility, the elderly – who are all welcomed in an inclusive and stimulating social housing context.

The support of experienced cooperatives and organizations with strong ties in the community guarantees the long-term sustainability of the project; social housing workers are trained in  facilitation and community building and become reference points for all tenants, offering them support in the management of spaces and services.

Abito in Community promotes housing communities with a  tangible social impact in an urban cooperative landscape.

Abito in Community is also an app that allows residents to organize events and collective purchases, the sharing of common spaces and means of transport, and exchange skills and competences. The board game Socialhousingame has been specifically prototyped to promote the use of the app and strengthen the capacity of residents to address challenges through collaboration.

Sesto Smart Village, one of the areas of the project, has been selected as a test of the intersectoral research SociAbiliTA promoted by Legacoop Abitanti and Legacoop Sociali.