Carolina Innella, Fabio Eboli, Chiara Cardenia, ENEA; Giovanni Pineschi, Francesca De Lucia, Agenzia di Coesione Territoriale – ACT; Giulia Lucertini, Gianmarco Di Giustino, Elena Ferraioli, Iuav University of Venice

ICESP is the Italian Platform of Stakeholders for the Circular Economy, in which converge actors representing companies, research organizations, central and territorial administrations and local authorities, and civil society, within which operates the Working Group (GdL) 5 “Circular Cities and Territory”. GdL5 deals with the transition to the circular economy of cities and territories, identifying methods, strategies and tools to facilitate the transition from linear to more circular models of urban policy and governance.

Urban contexts are the engines of the economy, crucial places to start the ecological transition and to become driving forces for sustainable development. From this point of view, the need for new forms of territorial governance is crucial to guide the existing configurations to plan and manage complex, multi-scalar and multi-level problems.

The webinar will focus on the comparison between urban experiences of transition to a circular economy with particular attention to the issue of governance. The debate will focus on three different local realities of medium-large size involved in the recent survey activity promoted by GdL5 of ICESP with the aim of identifying strengths and needs in the process of circular transition of urban areas and territories.

The webinar will also discuss the following topics: administrative tools to govern the transition process; environmental policy tools between territorial strategies, management of urban functions, regulatory aspects; solutions and behaviors needed and applicable at local and territorial level.

The final roundtable will reflect on how the pandemic has helped initiate new processes and forms of urban and territorial governance.


“ICESP Platform and the GdL5 activities”
Giulia Lucertini, University Iuav of Venice

Focus “Urban governance”
Carolina Innella, ENEA

“Circularity and participation. An overview of territorial practices”
Emanuele Profumi, Rome University “La Sapienza”, Pisa University

Application cases
Valerio Barberis, Councillor for Urban Planning, Environment, Circular Economy, City of Prato
Laura Niggi, Director of Territory and Environment Department, City of La Spezia
Agata Fortunato, Head of Planning and Control of the Integrated Waste Cycle, Metropolitan City of Turin

Round table and discussion
Giovanni Pineschi, ACT

Giovanni Pineschi, ACT
