Art and Culture Area, Cariplo Foundation

Unused spaces, abandoned buildings and decaying historical heritage represent both a problem and an opportunity for the country’s revival. The condition is to be able to fully exploit their potential and limit the risk of failure to which ‘top-down’ projects are often vulnerable.

Transitional reuse is a new design approach to urban regeneration, involving communities in experimental reuse actions, testing possible solutions to local needs and promoting processes of adaptation and gradual approach to durable reuse solutions.

Inspired by the important French experience of the last decade in the field of transitional urbanism, the call “Spaces in Transformation”, promoted by the Art and Culture Area of Cariplo Foundation, aims to promote this approach in Italy as well, focusing on cultural reuse projects.

Through the presentation of some emblematic cases and the description of the method and contents of the call “Spaces in Transformation”, the conference offers a first opportunity to discuss the approach of transitional reuse as a tool capable of activating regeneration processes in a sustainable and long-term perspective.


Sergio Urbani, Cariplo Foundation General Manager


“The ‘transitional’ approach to urban regeneration: strategy and method”
Paolo Cottino, KCity Manager

“The experience of transitional urbanism in France: cases and models”
Giulia D’Antonio and Giorgio de Ambrogio, KCity

“Regulatory/procedural foundations and expected impacts of transitional reuse in Italy”
Luigi Fregoni and Alice Franchina, KCity

“The call for proposals ‘Spaces in Transformation”
Lorenza Gazzerro, Maria Laura Galassi, Elisabetta Rivolta, Art and Culture Area ofCariplo Foundation


Marcella Isola, Emilia-Romagna Region
Maurizio Cabras, ANCI Lombardia
Roberta Franceschinelli, Unipolis Foundation

Questions fromthe audience
